bagseed plant problem....


FF grow big and big bloom (only fed once so far 1/4 strength)
only watered when top of soil is dry and the whole pot is lighter
125w cfl
temp: 74 lights on, not sure when lights are off, but its cfl so i shouldn't be much different...
MG organic choice potting mix
water ph -6.4-6.5
good ventilation
homemade co2 (from the sticky in the general growing forum)

i already checked the self diagnose threads, but the pictures didn't work on some and the rest had no pictures so i am kind of stumped. at first i thought it was n problems because the lower leaves yellowed from the edges inward. but now the tips are totally dying and the poor thing is barely growing. this is my first plant and help would be kinda cool. :wall:


Well-Known Member
Looks like the roots aren't happy, possibly starving for oxygen, and/or overfert. Either way, next time around, add around 20% perlite to that soil, and it'll work great.

How long in between waterings? I'd like to tell you to flush it, but if it's an overwatering issue, that's going to stunt it for another week or so. Did you PH your fert mix, also? I'd start foliar feeding with 1/2 strength grow fert, alternated with straight water, every day, or every other day, until you get this straightened out. Make sure the mix has trace nutes, 'cause that's a magnesium deficiency, mainly.


Well-Known Member
All together it looks like the soil might not be loose enough and you're definitely over watering. Make sure you have proper drainage and let it dry out for a couple days before checking the soil again. The roots may be drowning :(


Well-Known Member
other than it being bagseed looks great ! and flourishing !
Did you notice the rotting/wilting leaves? Yellowing? Did you even look at the pictures?
And it being bag seed has nothing to do with it... I have grown nothing but bag seed with incredible results.