Bagseed - Midgrade - 1st real attempt - March 22


Well-Known Member
Hey hothouse, you found my FUCKING PICS! Damnit, how did those get leaked.

@ ceestyle

Yea bro, those are some real guidos, so unfortunately it is real - LOL!

What's been going down at RIU? I tried posting and they made me agree to some forum rules first. People been getting out of hand here or what?!

Any ways, I'm going to cut straight to the bad part and tell you guys that I had to cut my plants down. Yes that's right, I had to cut them down - long story. The bs drama in my life never ends. I have no idea when I will be up and running again, but I got a time frame in mind.



Well-Known Member
sucks man! I hate to hear it... but you do what ya gotta do to get life where you want it!! fuck the bullshit aint worth it long run... well be here when ya gets ya ducks in a row... check ya pm..


Well-Known Member
Yea it's me, with no damn plants! I got something in the works now, well I hope it all comes together.
