bagseed is garbage.


Well-Known Member
What do you consider "bag seed"

Kinda peculiar, If you have a good supplier that you know the stuff is always good and you're fortunate enough to get a rogue bean why not plant it?

I just recently got extremely lucky, a friend I get stuff from on occasion had sold me two bags of two different strains with amazing bud, I ended up with a rogue bean and it turned out female!! I got 11 clones off it (1 for a mother) and 10 for for growing.. This stuff came from northern cali, and one was a purp and 1 was WW. I dont know what it is just yet because its just flowering right now, but it looks like a WW with her big fat leaves and kinda squatish..

Bag seed is as good as your supplier, its the supplier that may or may not be garbage imo...


Well-Known Member
If there was a sweet airplane in my garage your little ass would have some stories for the girls tomorrow but planes in the shop so I will have to sit and and think about what heaven smells like and I can say I smelled your pussy!!


Active Member

This is the first day it has been given nutes, because i screwed up my diary and skipped a week. Appart form that its a super healthy super green super everything. Best of all it was 100% free. And came out of a bag of weed 2 years ago. Its been rolling round a mates house since. I never even germed this one just threw it in a spare pot. I can't think of a bag of weed that was that bad that was paid for isn't worth growing out a seed you got for free.
those are some badass looking pots. i like!


Active Member
If there was a sweet airplane in my garage your little ass would have some stories for the girls tomorrow but planes in the shop so I will have to sit and and think about what heaven smells like and I can say I smelled your pussy!! old are you anyways?


Active Member
Everyone wants to move to canada, free health care and poutines! mmmmm
even better is upper michigan. its like canada but better. all country area, lots of woods. more expensive but affordable and even better health care if you go to the right places. medical mj laws now too. we also have way better gun laws cause the usa is less strict. water is clean and prevalent. summers get hot and are warm enough for swimming. also perfect for skiiing or snowboarding in the wintertime. lot of areas if you know the right people for 4 wheeling and such. and plenty of farms, best fucking fresh food you can get. also plenty of country roads to take burn rides on. rare to see cops.


Active Member
even better is upper michigan. its like canada but better. all country area, lots of woods. more expensive but affordable and even better health care if you go to the right places. medical mj laws now too. we also have way better gun laws cause the usa is less strict. water is clean and prevalent. summers get hot and are warm enough for swimming. also perfect for skiiing or snowboarding in the wintertime. lot of areas if you know the right people for 4 wheeling and such. and plenty of farms, best fucking fresh food you can get. also plenty of country roads to take burn rides on. rare to see cops.
yo, your signature aint lying at all about this shit


Well-Known Member go to bed..asleep for maybe 5 hours...and i come back to 30 new pages on here...the OP is gone...and the topic turns to sweet crotched canucks.i think we are all a little dumber having sit through all receive no rep points...and may god have mercy on your souls