bagseed help!!!!

Dice Clay

Active Member
Well as someone from the outside this is how I see the situation:

OP posted a very blurry photo asking about something that is very important

a few people posted their opinions... some thinking male and some saying the picture is just not clear enough to tell conclusively

the party believing the image to contain pollen sacks became very defensive and aggressive because he felt that someone was challenging his expertise.

both parties then began attacking each other over something that was a non issue to begin with.

I believe it is a good practice to give opinions and state them as that... an opinion.. not fact.. not an end all, but someone's humble opinion. I think with important things such as sexing, unless you know 100% (the grower) you can't chop that valuable potential lady down. To encourage someone to bag a plant on a suspect and blurry image is irresponsible... that is just my opinion. No need to curse, yell, insult etc. It is ok to have opposing opinions... in the end it is up to the OP to read through everything and make up his own informed conclusion, because he is after all the only one of us with the plant in front of his face ;) good luck to you.
Well as someone from the outside this is how I see the situation:
Agree with your post... I guess people with argue over absolutely anything, even a blurry photo... Not really surprising, But.... what's with blurry photos in 2012? Here's a photo from ~200 years ago, it's clearer than the op's...,_Joseph_Nicéphore_Niépce.jpg I wonder if in 2212 people will still be arguing over blurry photos... probably... humankind had such potential... xD


Well-Known Member
Haha, if I get trolled, I just turn off the computer for awhile :) Usually this helps, if not, I just put on ignore....

I heard this saying once and it stuck with me, "Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the one that agues with one?"
I wouldn't say anything to you for disagreeing with it, when you act like you know everything like rcgrowerman and you obviously don't know shit thats when I troll.


Well-Known Member
unless you know 100% (the grower) you can't chop that valuable potential lady down. To encourage someone to bag a plant on a suspect and blurry image is irresponsible...
If you read up - I said let it grow out - and I said to save the pollen. I never said bag the plant but thanks for not reading the full thing before trying to make me seem like the bad guy ;)

Dice Clay

Active Member
If you read up - I said let it grow out - and I said to save the pollen. I never said bag the plant but thanks for not reading the full thing before trying to make me seem like the bad guy ;)

I didn't think I was trying to make you seem like Tony Montana.... I remember him telling me one time that I wasn't gonna see another bad guy like this....