Bagseed Grow. 800w hps


Seeds: Bagseed
Box Setup: 3x6 flower box, 465 squirrel cage, (2) 400 hps. Veg same length/width 3 in height. 4 t8 bulbs x 4 feet
Fox Farm Ocean Forest
General Hydroponics

Ill probably veg my plants 10-12 inches and then flower. I figure I can hold 18 plants in the flowering chamber. Once i get past the newbie stage i hope to veg about 4-6 at a time and harvest every 3 weeks or so.

Day 1
December 12th
started germination process with paper towel method. water was boiled, allowed to cool down. seeds were placed in paper
towels then into a tupperware container. no nutes. PH=n/a.

Day 2
December 13th
two seeds have taproots!

Day 3
December 14th
most seeds have taproots, transplanted into humidity dome under flour lights. Lights lowered one inch from top of dome. Lights set for 24 hours. Watered and dome vents are closed.

Day 4
December 15th
Some plants have germ but they are coming in upside down. taproot is coming out. i will attempt to pull the plants out and flip them around. also it doesn’t look like some are popping through. i know that i can veg 6 at a time under my t8. so i will put some more in paper towels. i actually will put half in a glass of water and the other half into paper towels. just to see what works best. the few that haven’t popped I'm going to take those out and put them in paper towels also. I might as well germ about 10 at a time then select the best 6.

Thanks for stopping by and comments are welcome.

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Day 5
December 16th

Last night when I got off work, I removed 6 seeds that haven't sprouted. I placed 3 in water and 3 in paper towels. Before I left for work today I checked and the three in towels grew taproots. Only one of three in the water sunk. So I placed the four seeds back into the Rapid Rooters.

I also removed the dome and lowered the light about four inches away. Lastly I turned off the heat mat. I've read different reviews about them, some say they like them some people don't. When I was removing the 6 seeds I felt how hot the Rooters were, to me they just felt to warm. Maybe ill stick a thermometer in there one day to see how hot it actually is.



Hey man just took a look. Just some things that I do. I always start from seed because I can't have a veg and flower room at the same time and for other reasons too.
I always, always, use damp paper towel. I put a piece in the bottom of a suitable size air tight container that is shallow. Something big enough to allow adequate spacing for all of your seeds to sprout. I space the seeds about 1 cm, or say about 3/8 of an inch apart or so. No closer. I cover them gently with another moist paper towel. Also the paper towels are folded into double or quadruple thickness to make removal of seeds easier. Cover the container with the lid and put somewhere dark and ambient temperature. It never takes me more than a few days to get sprouts that are nice and long, 1-2 inches, sometimes with the seeds already popped off by the first baby leaves. If the seeds are just barely cracked I leave them in the container longer. I then take tweezers and gently place the taproot down into the growing medium. I use rockwool with a small hole I make with the tweezers before hand. Then under the flourescents with them. As long as the rockwool/medium is moist and the lights or room aren't too hot or cold I just let them go. If the medium becomes dry before the seedlings are ready for a bigger pot and a light solution of nutes I just spray them foliar with water and hit the rockwool with some too.
As far as the heating pad. I've never used one. I figure the plant should become accustomed to the environment it's going to live in as opposed to completely 'babying' it. I mean if you need the extra heat because your house or grow room is cold then I guess you need it. Otherwise you will be fine man.
I've never had a problem with starting seeds like this. And another note is if you're using just bag seeds, know how many plants you're gonna grow, take twice as many seeds and sprout them, then take at 50% more than you need of the sprouts and grow those. All the while taking what looks to be the healthiest right from choice of seed. Then you can eliminate weaklings and males.
If you're growing high quality seeds that's a different story.
Hope this helps with your germination period man.

Happy Growing!


Day 16
Two plants are looking ok. a couple of inches tall. i really think the quality of my seeds are poor, this is why i cant get any to germ. i order 10 ww from nirvana. i also bought a 8 bulb t5 from craigslist for 50 dollars. <--- yeah thats right 50. currently i have 16 germing, i also got 3 clones from a friend, but they didnt do well in the long car ride. so we will see what happens.

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Day 22
Plants are looking ok, having an issue with one see below if you have an answer. Looks like I have the germ thing down, found out what I was doing wrong. I suffer from MR sometimes.

A couple of questions.
When should I spray Neem Oil?
When should I transfer my plants from a 4.5 square pot?

What deficiency do you think I have, the symptoms are:
Lower leaf tips slightly yellow.
New growth is coming in yellow.
A few leaves are twisting.
A few brown spots.

Its only one of the two. My temps have remained about 75-80 tops. Ph has been around 6.5. I wouldn't think it would be light burn. I am using Ocean Forest and Warrior Light mix. From my reading it looks like a N or Mg issue. but trying to get another opinion. I'm going to try an put pics up when i get off work.


I dont know much about neem oil and about transferring your plants is that the least transplant and at early as possible will cause less stress on your plants... or so i've read around. For your plant symptoms maybe pictures of your plants showing those traits would be nice.


Thanks. here are some pics of the plant.. btw my seeds were shipped on the 24th they got here today. Nirvana thanks!



Well i dont know exactly whats up with ur first two pics, you should check the forums as there are a lot of ppl who have all sorts of trouble and about your third pic well usually leaves get greener as they go. but looks like some kind of def.


well my dog chewed a few leaves off the tallest two plants. I got the germination down now. but I will end this current grow, in a way. Im still going to flower these two plants. just for the fun of it. but i am rebuilding the whole setup. i will log step by step everything i do.

with everything i have so far i will have a 2x8 veg room with my t8 and t5 in there. i am going to build side by side 3x3 chambers. one will be left to finish the soil grow. but i plan on upgrading both rooms to ebb n flow. stay tuned.