Bagseed Grow #1 (First Grow)


Active Member
Bagseed Grow Journal #1

Thursday June 17, 2010
Today I acquired a single seed from some midgrade marijuana. The seed was hard and didn’t break when I squeezed it. It was whitish to light brown in color. I wasn’t sure if it will germinate but we’ll see. I put the seed in a moistened paper towel and put the paper towel in a sandwich sized Ziploc bag. After that I put the bag inside of a black sock.

Friday June 18, 2010
Today I pulled out the sock and opened the Ziploc. I opened the paper towel and nothing as far as growth goes happened. The only change that happened is that the color of the seed changed from whitish-brown to dark brown.

Saturday June 19, 2010
Today I got the sock out once more and I was a happy camper. The seed decided it wanted to become my plant. It started to get a little white “tail”. I put the little white “tailed” guy, or girl hopefully, into a blue plastic cup that you find at parties. I put it about ¼”- ½” into the soil and covered her up. Put her into my grow box under a 23 watt CFL. The light cycle for the entire Vegetative stage will be 24/0.

Sunday June 20, 2010
Today I checked my little guy again and I was once more, a happy camper. She decided to poke her head out to see what’s going on. I now have a little marijuana seedling.

Also, please feel free to give me feedback, and tips and whatever.
Thanks for your time.
Happy Blazing:joint:


Active Member
Monday June 21, 2010
Today I was just checking her out and decided to put a humidity dome over the plant. What I used for the dome is a ocean spray bottle with the top cut off ill post a pic. That’s about it today

Tuesday June 22, 2010
Today I was looking at the plant and it looks like its growing out of the soil so I added more.

Oh and i added another cfl also. please someone at least post something like hey whats up lol.



Active Member
oh and i posted somewhere else, what do you guys think about me swithcing to 12/12 now. how big do you think she will get and approx. how much will i yield. also if i get a male would i be able to use the male for cannabutter. thanks all.
hey bro im in a pretty similar situation. im going 24/0 to save money instead of buying a proper timer. and yeah ive read somewhere you can use the male for cannabutter here on RIU just google it. feel free to check mine out :)


Active Member
i got the whole 12/12 thing resolved so we can discard that now, but still no for sure answer for the male cannabutter. thanks