Bagseed, First Grow


Alright so after a few months of research and reading the forums I've decided to begin my first grow :)

I'm 3 days in and this is what I've done so far:

June 16

- 2 pots
- bulb socket-to-wall outlet converter
- y splitter for the bulbs
- 2 13 watt cfls (just to get me started)

Seeds - Put 4 bagseeds into a moist paper towel into a ziplock bag and then between two plates to germinate them.

Got some dirt from my yard and microwaved it for 2 minutes to sterilize.

4 seeds -
Grow area -
Light setup -

June 17

We have germination! 2 of the seed have grown a nice 1cm long root tip and are ready for dirt!

Lights setup! currently 2 13 watt cfls, damn these bitches are bright. Need to buy a timer...

June 18

24 hours since the germinated seeds have been planted and they both have sprouted! I know I sound overly excited but it is my first grow lol

Ill start calling them plant A and plant B, I'll get a real name later.

Plant A poked through but it looked like the root had just grown upward so i put a bit more dirt on it and it should be ok. If anybody knows anything about this let me know. Pic here:

Plant B popped up with a very thin stem about an inch tall and one leaf sprouting out of the tip. Pic here:

All in all progress is looking great! gonna hook up some more lights in there in a couple weeks.

Happy Toking :)

mushroom man

Active Member
just like he said ,transplant them into there own pot will make them do better in the long run ,plus if u have a male u will have a harder time trying to pull it or whatever u do if its right next to a female


Day 5

We have our first casualty :( Plant A collapsed and was incredibly thin. Could've been that it was stretched out, but it also looked pretty pale...

Plant B is doing great right now and has doubled in size :). Pic here:

Also due to my lack of timer I'm just gonna go with a 24/0 light cycle


Your grow area doesn't look too bad but your plant needs a little help bro.
The shoot of your plant has elongated a little most likely because of too little light or too high of temp. I'm assuming light.

My suggestion is to get some higher wattage and move you plant closer to the light source to prevent more stretching,
and use chopsticks, skewers, or bamboo steaks to help support the shoot later on when it gets more top heavy with leaves
at least until the stalk and shoot thickens.

Just my opinion but i hope it helps.


yeah i was thinking that might be a problem....i might try the chopsticks, i only have like 26 watts right now...I need to get a thermostat to check i have no idea how hot it is in there. Also the lights are within 2-3 inches