Bagseed Conniption Fit


Active Member
Okay, I just finished building my indoor grow system a couple of months ago and to test the setup I used some bagseed from middies. I can't even begin to describe to you the frustration that I've experienced in trying to cultivate this stuff. Every aspect of this grow has been scrutinized until each environmental condition was made ideal. Still, they wither and die. Is it just that the bagseed is most likely an outdoor strain or just crappy genetics to begin with? Can anyone shed some light on this? I have some good genetics that I plan on using but I wanted to make sure I have everything just right before I use them and the abysmal results from this bagseed is causing me to hesitate. Anyone? Anyone?



Well-Known Member
Bagseeds are fine man, no offense but it is you killing them not the strain. I have never had a bagseed that just died no matter how I treated it. The pic in my avatar is bagseed. Adjust your conditions and read up. Maybe try ordering some cheap seeds so that you can find out that it is isn't the genetics it is your own doing. I'm not trying to be mean man but you can't blame it on the genetics. Marijuana has been around for a longggg time, how would that strain of cheap middies still be around if the seeds always died? Read up in the GrowFAQ on this site and you will learn everything you need to know. Good luck

That is from bagseed right there


Well-Known Member
TOM tell me you keep a clone from that shit OOOOH that nice why the colour change thow was it cold in the room or did they go like that natural


Well-Known Member
They just go like that naturally man it's pretty sweet. And yes I do have a clone of her reverting back to veg. Thanks for the comments


Active Member
Bagseeds are fine man, no offense but it is you killing them not the strain. I have never had a bagseed that just died no matter how I treated it. The pic in my avatar is bagseed. Adjust your conditions and read up. Maybe try ordering some cheap seeds so that you can find out that it is isn't the genetics it is your own doing. I'm not trying to be mean man but you can't blame it on the genetics. Marijuana has been around for a longggg time, how would that strain of cheap middies still be around if the seeds always died? Read up in the GrowFAQ on this site and you will learn everything you need to know. Good luck
Thanks, but that's not really what I'm implying. What I'm asking is, if this is an outdoor strain and I'm trying to grow it indoors or under conditions wholly different from what it came from, is this what I should expect? To say that I haven't done my homework would be way amiss as well because it's been at least five years now that I've been studying and attempting to grow this plant. There's nothing in any growfaq that I haven't read several times over at this point. I just don't see how I can do everything right and still fail. The only variables left in the grow are the genetics and the nutes and plenty of people have reported great results with BMO products, so that leaves the genetics.

That is a fantastic looking plant, by the way.



Thanks, but that's not really what I'm implying. What I'm asking is, if this is an outdoor strain and I'm trying to grow it indoors or under conditions wholly different from what it came from, is this what I should expect? To say that I haven't done my homework would be way amiss as well because it's been at least five years now that I've been studying and attempting to grow this plant. There's nothing in any growfaq that I haven't read several times over at this point. I just don't see how I can do everything right and still fail. The only variables left in the grow are the genetics and the nutes and plenty of people have reported great results with BMO products, so that leaves the genetics.

That is a fantastic looking plant, by the way.

reading/studying compared to actually doing, are two wholly different things.... i have to agree with the majority and say that it is something you are doing wrong... if you were doing everything right, then you wouldnt fail.... my first two grows were with some seeds from mexican shwag, that i guarantee was an "outdoor strain" (a term i dont put much stock into btw), had no problems with the health of the plants;.... just their results:-|


Well-Known Member
Bagseeds are fine man, no offense but it is you killing them not the strain. I have never had a bagseed that just died no matter how I treated it. The pic in my avatar is bagseed. Adjust your conditions and read up. Maybe try ordering some cheap seeds so that you can find out that it is isn't the genetics it is your own doing. I'm not trying to be mean man but you can't blame it on the genetics. Marijuana has been around for a longggg time, how would that strain of cheap middies still be around if the seeds always died? Read up in the GrowFAQ on this site and you will learn everything you need to know. Good luck

That is from bagseed right there
how yhe hell it got so dam purple


Well-Known Member
AgentX.... Are you starting them under a mellow light source, like some CFL's or shop lights ?
Bombarding small plants with the heat / intensity light of a large HID light can kill them deader than dead in no time. It's too much too soon.
Plus, what size containers are you starting them in ?
Start with the smallest size, like 16 plastic cups or Jiffy Peat Pots and work up.
The type of medium you start them in matters also, does it contain some nutes / no nutes ? What do you use for your starting mix ?
I use Jiffy Seed Starting mix with 10 percent added worm castings (cheap & effective).
Also, are you feeding them prior to them putting on a couple of sets of leaves ? & How often are you watering them ?
Overwatering & Overfeeding are the two most common issues. Plus adding all kinds of extra bottled additives can work against you.
These are just some things to look over for soil grows. It's best to start growing in soil, it's more forgiving.
With hydro growing, res temps, pH, TDS...etc..... are all way too important. Get one out of parameters for just a few days and dead plants. I used to grow chem / hydro years ago. Hydro is faster & does yield more, but lose power for a few days because of a bad weather and you can lose a whole grow. Before you pop those good beans, consider soil as your medium, if you are not already using it.
Hope this helps......


Active Member
AgentX.... Are you starting them under a mellow light source, like some CFL's or shop lights ?
Bombarding small plants with the heat / intensity light of a large HID light can kill them deader than dead in no time. It's too much too soon.
Plus, what size containers are you starting them in ?
Start with the smallest size, like 16 plastic cups or Jiffy Peat Pots and work up.
The type of medium you start them in matters also, does it contain some nutes / no nutes ? What do you use for your starting mix ?
I use Jiffy Seed Starting mix with 10 percent added worm castings (cheap & effective).
Also, are you feeding them prior to them putting on a couple of sets of leaves ? & How often are you watering them ?
Overwatering & Overfeeding are the two most common issues. Plus adding all kinds of extra bottled additives can work against you.
These are just some things to look over for soil grows. It's best to start growing in soil, it's more forgiving.
With hydro growing, res temps, pH, TDS...etc..... are all way too important. Get one out of parameters for just a few days and dead plants. I used to grow chem / hydro years ago. Hydro is faster & does yield more, but lose power for a few days because of a bad weather and you can lose a whole grow. Before you pop those good beans, consider soil as your medium, if you are not already using it.
Hope this helps......
First of all, thanks for taking the time to put together that post. I have made a lot of mistakes during this grow, but have managed to compensate well enough to keep things going without total failure. I don't think I'll be attempting soil again, even though the risks are a little higher with hydro. If not just as a matter of personal interest, the control and expediency of hydro is very attractive to me. At this point, I think my issue has been narrowed down to pH stability. There are some people giving me a hand with figuring it out now, but if you happen to know some good ways to stabilize pH down from a higher level that it consistently migrates toward, please, I'm all eyes. I think if I can get this straightened out, I should be in good shape.


P.S. I did follow or am aware of the majority of the points you laid out in your post.


Well-Known Member
AgentX..... If you are going to be serious about hydro growing, you need a good source of clean water. An RO filter system is a good investment.
Expensive in the begining, but it pays off big time during the grow. Good, clean water, with a low TDS (ppm) is more tuneable with nutes.
Water from the tap, contains too much junk, chlorine, bromine, etc.... and can change from month to month - depending on where you live. Some water systems use multiple reservoirs / sources of water. During peak use periods (May through August) tap water can change often - added headaches that can be corrected with an RO filter system.


Active Member
AgentX..... If you are going to be serious about hydro growing, you need a good source of clean water. An RO filter system is a good investment.
Expensive in the begining, but it pays off big time during the grow. Good, clean water, with a low TDS (ppm) is more tuneable with nutes.
Water from the tap, contains too much junk, chlorine, bromine, etc.... and can change from month to month - depending on where you live. Some water systems use multiple reservoirs / sources of water. During peak use periods (May through August) tap water can change often - added headaches that can be corrected with an RO filter system.
Yep, I know. I actually have one already that I need to install but up until now I've been buying RO since my res is so small. My tap water isn't all that bad to begin with though I still don't use it because I'm having enough trouble as it is. If I could just get the pH thing taken care of I'd be gold, man, pure gold.
