bagseed cfl grow

this is my second grow i got some shitty wooden box
with some cfl's 2 40w. ii have a computer fan for
ventilation and a small clip on desk fan blowing at the plant
and im getting nutes and more lights for flowering .
i gauranatee that this will be a she this time
iv got males in my last grow with 2 plants both were male.
maybe someone can tell me better shit i could use for my plant

im pretty low on cash tho theres not much i can do

ill post pics soon enoughf once it gets a lil bigger right now its 1d from sprout and its 1 inch tall


Well-Known Member
Upgrade the lights, if you can. Home Depot sells 65 W cfl's. 2 of those and you'd be golden, man. I got 111W CFL and pruduce some nice dense nugs. Go above that and your will be great, too. Just make sure that light stays close.
im puting more light in
tomorow it looks a lil small but
i just bought another 40w cfl.
theres still a tear in the leaf
but it isnt causing any harm i dont think.
the tin foil thing around the cup is for focusing the light on the plant
. it looks kinda dumb tho but it works and i got a new light timer so i dont gotta plug it in all the time

but yeah heres some pics of it


heres day five pics.
its getting pretty big
im still trying to put a extra 32w for veg
then i will have 75w for veg and an extra 42w for flower so 117w for flower.
i was wondering what are cheap but good nutes .and just to be sure when do you
start to feed them????




Active Member
Nice looking plant, u can start giving them nutes at 21 days is best at 1/4 strength of what it tells you to use. idk whats best/cheap nutes to use i no they not that much tho for some like miricle grow stuff. just watch out for the continuous release nutes i got them so you gotta be carefull not to burn em but i wont be using my flowering nutes for 10 or 11 days when my plants are 21 days old. im on my first indoor grow to pretty much so good luck. i hope we both get females and a yeild come harvest time.
yeah ihope my yeild is good .
i got some miracle grow people told me veging plants
need nitrogen and flowering plants need lots of phosphate.
i have one thats 24-14-7 for veg and 15-30-15 for flower .
on the bag it says one teaspoon per 4l of water for outside plants
but theres also an indoor one it basicly says one quarter of that per 4l
should i use the indoor recomendation or the outside one ????? beacause the indoor one looks a lil small


Well-Known Member
looking good subscribed...keep getting as many of them cfls as you can...the more light the long you gonna veg???
i was thinking maybe 40-45day of veg.
i dont have to much height once my plant gets 2 1/2ft tall
thats it thats all the space i got .and i will get a few more cfls when i know what sex it is
scratch that i got about one foot to
grow so im probably going to train it
so it doesent grow so tall and im now
growing in a smallcardboard box the place i was growing
was heated out and i cant use it. so i also have to reduce
lights not by much tho it will work
things got a lil fucked up but the plant is fine.
i got 2 days to get it out of my freinds house and
move it into my house but i gotta make it stealth
i got it all figured out and it will work but te plant wont be big
all i want is like an oz off it maybe less. and its good dope the bag i got it from
was crazy weed it reaked like skunk and it had some purple in it but not much so results should be good
i finally got the plant goin again
i think i slowed growth it had no
light for 1 day and some leaves died
so i cut em and new growth has started
i will post pics tomorow exactly week 2 today i think
it looks a lil small but its doing good


Active Member
Here's some tips.

-If your going to use clear pots for growing, cover the outside with a black garbage bag or cardboard. You don't want any light getting to the roots as it can and most likely will 'cause root rot.

-The longer you veg the taller the plant will become, since you only have about 1 foot of room left to grow, once you get about 5 or 6 nodes I would switch to flower and top when you need too.


Well-Known Member
they are overwatered.. you tell by the wide, cupping leaves. get a bigger pot and transplant stat