Bag Seeds. W/ Aurora to come. Closet Grow.

I've been growing some bag seeds I had with a few friends since the end of October and its our first grow. Up to now we have been using....6 6500k 26W CFL bulbs and 1 2700k 27W CFL bulb. Currently the time schedule is on 24 hours (The Guys whose house its in cant turn lights on and off so we havent hooked up a timer yet. but once we do itll be 18/6). The temperature in the closet is generally around 75 degrees with a 6'' fan giving them a nice breeze. The Ph of the soil is consistently around low 6.

Started with 23 solo cups and after two transfers its now down to 6. We plan on narrowing these down to the best two and plant two feminized Aurora seeds from nirvana.

The 4 plants are in an 18 gallon tub so 4.5 gallons per plant and the other two are in 8'' pots. We used miracle grow moisture control and mixed in 10-20% perlite.

Heres the list of nutrients were currently using in drops per gallon.
  1. 15 Miracle House Plant Food 8-7-6
  2. 5 Schultz African Violet 8-14-9
  3. 1 Super Thrive
  4. 1 Molasses
Watering is done every two days or as needed.

These plants started in this closet then had to be moved in boxes to another closet at a different house because he had a fire inspection. Then we had Thanksgiving Break where they had to be moved to another house and had a car ride for a 90 minutes in the cold. To a 60 degree basement where we think some bugs may have gotten to the plants. Then they got transfered back to the 2nd closet and were hidden for 6 hours because of a fire inspection at that house. And finally they are now back to their original homes. And enjoying there new transfer.

I was wondering what the lowest soil Ph we should have?

Some pictures show what we think are bug bites. All leaves that had bug bites we trimmed just in case of spidermites or some other bug inside it. Other pictures show brown and curly tips. they showed deficiencies that we were worried about but all new growth is very healthy after a good flush.
The snowflakes are there to make sure they know to grow lots and LOTS of crystals. :)

All comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks!


Here are some updates. We just started some lst. And we have two Females!!:clap::clap:
The plant with 7 leaves (Frank) is female. Part of the bin with the meter.
And the fourth picture is female as well. (Pegiacorn)
Unfortunately all other plants have not shown any signs :wall:

They are now getting 18/6 light, water every 3-4 days.

I trimmed a few leaves off and tried some random cloning and got a root 2 days later!!:-o They just soaked in a pop can of tap water with 10 drops of Super Thrive and voila.

Please post your thoughts and let me know how were doing.


So we managed to get through winter break really well. These are what they look like after 14 days of 12/12 light.

Its starting to look like weed :shock: