Bag Seed My First Grow


Cheese Head
Just a small quick update here are some pics to let you guys know what there looking like and my grow room also sorry for being to short on the post I am busy at work atm so I'll try to pick back up the journal soon as I can.



Well-Known Member
and are those shell casings in the last pic? lol... did you take any clones off this baby? and did you top?


Well-Known Member
lol... thats hilarious to keep those in the same room as your grow ;)... up some pics of those clones homie.


Cheese Head
well you gotta keep them so far away from the guns where I live so that where they stay :)
Also the clones are not here they are at my buddy because I didn't not have a clone bay or anything so he took care of them for me but I will up pics of them tomorrow when i go over there.


Well-Known Member
looking sexy! ez on the water though it has been the only cause for what stunted growth you have had. also you really need to give them pure water every so often as toxic salt and acid buildup from the minor nutes that the plant leaves in the soil is causeing that yellowing. like the other guy its not overwatering its watering to soon. if the top isnt compleately dry to the touch dont water them. also its real bad to use nutes every watering every other is ok but 2/3 tops so you should only use pure water for the next 2-3 watering and it will be use what nutes in the soil and clean the roots out so they will take the nutes better when you do use them. in closeing you did a hell of a job and they are beutiful. seriously though dont water unless the top of the dirt is dry and the pot is light. i thought when i was reading this at about half through that they would end up dead from overwater. also being chilly isnt bad unless you have then overwatered and then the cold fucks the roots up so all in all great job just use pure water at least every 1/4 feeding and dont overwater and that will be funky.


Cheese Head
Thanx man Im going to just give them water next watering and then feed and then feed again then go back to water right?
So you didn't think I would make it eh? I am the plant whisperer.
Ive actually never over watered them as I have diagnosed I believe it was most of a under water issue because I got a digital moisture meter probe and it was really dry.


Cheese Head
Hey quick question I accidentally dropped a roll of duck tape on my plants bottom fan leaf and it like almost cut two of them in half. Will that be alright?


Well-Known Member
looking good funnyguy,,wouldn't worry bout the leaves,,just don't make it a habit,,lolj/k man,,it should be fine

Keep on Growin



Cheese Head
Thanks HoLE!! Could adding this blue spectrum help or does it do more harm? :confused: Please let men know asap im leaving for work soon. It just seems the bottom leaves are getting no light and starting to droop. Oh and I just watered thats why there drooping.



Well-Known Member
i think blue is for more veg,,try some 42 watt cfl's for extra lighting,,hope this helps,,good luck man,,looking good

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
it wont hurt. but it wont really make a difference either. save the electricity! :D if you want to get more light to the rest of the areas, lean the plant to one side for a couple hours, then to the other, and so forth. this way you can expose all areas of the plant to equal lighting. start in the N position for 3 hours, S 3 hours, E 3 hours, W 3 hours: if at all possible. this gives you a total of 12 hours while your lights are on. hope this makes sense!