Bag Seed For The Win.


Active Member
yeah very excited, and 9 leaves forming which is pretty cool to see. iwould like to transplant it but im afraid my box is just to small to fit another big pot. im just gonn have to deal with what i got till next grow


Active Member
indeed im just stalling because im not too good with the whole nutreitns thing but i guess ill never learn if i never try.


Well-Known Member
hydro just grows faster, but if you want stronger flavor, soil is the way. One recommendation, I have experienced plant pot sizes, start them in small pots, like dixie cups, try transplanting a couple times through your grow it will help a little with space conservation.


Active Member
yeah thats what ive been doing but whats a good size to have in a tight grow spot? i dont know whats too small you know


Well-Known Member
your finishing pots should at least be about 3 gallons I think. I do dixie cups, one gallon, then three gallon. the one gallons I have are like about 6''diameters. pots that are straight going down are they best so the roots have more stretching room at the bottom.


Active Member
So this snowstorm sucks got about 8 to 12come inches of snow, lost 3 hours or my lighting schdule yesterday. Thank god I've got them connected to generater


Well-Known Member
That's why i enjoy living in an area thats use to snow like this...we don't lose power often...looking at about 7" on the ground and still snowing :D


Active Member
Well our countys used to snow just not in october, we had trees down everywere. We were driving around smoking blunts checking ut the damage. I probly wont have power to wends or so.


Active Member
yeah can you believe this shiz? we got like 6 inches up in new england. redonkulous if you ask me, in the middle of october. psh. mother nature.


Thanks for the pics sourman. Good reference for a noob like me (1 week growth so far). I hope mine look like yours did at 1 month.