Bag seed flowering on 18-6 light cycle

Hey everyone! Okay well the title says it all. I have 1 bag seed of some purple
growing in my box with 5 Pandora Autoflowers and a Blue lemon thai fem. My
light cycle will stay set at 18-6 for the remainder of my autoflowers life about
45 more days then I planned on throwing my purple bag seed and my blue lemon
thai into flowering on a 12-12 cycle. Problem is that when I checked on them earlier
my purple bag seed has already begun to show signs of flowering...White pistols very
small but all over her and thank god shes fem, but why is she flowering on an 18-6
light cycle? Is it possible she has some autoflower traits in her? Like I said just some bag
seed i got from a friend of some killer purp. If anyone has any answers I would love to
hear them because I am completely dumbfounded as to why she would be flowering.
My grow box has no light leaks and is set on a timer that never malfunctions as I am still
up when they turn off and on. Was thinking it might be due to temp issues. My temps at
night while lights are still on stay around 70 to 75 but during the day now that its hitting almost 100 outside
they have shot up to 82, so then i have to open one side of my box to blow a/c air directly
into it which takes it back down to 70 to 75 when lights are out temps stay around 65 to 69.
Was maybe thinkin that going form 82 to 75 then to 65 at night might be makin her think that
its winter time even though lights are 18-6.. but thats about all not to big of a deal just curious.
Ya I figured light leaks would stop the process of flowering but shes only been in veg for 3 weeks so i'm pretty stumped lol its not a big issue just curious. So when you say preflower is that just her showing her sex and she'll continue to veg or is she going to continue on flowering?


Active Member
I think the proffesor is right shes just showing sex. if she is an autoflower she will continue in her progression and no seperation will be necessary