"bag appeal" is a fucking LIE! stop lying and call it SCHWAG appeal!

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hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i was annoyed with indicas the very first time i smoked them after the paraquat drought of the mid 80s that wiped out all of the awesome cali exported COLUMBIAN GOLD that was $40 A QUARTER that i started out smoking on. it had no "bag appeal" traits. the buds were never bigger than my thumb, they were loose & fluffy, the resin glands were not much bigger than peach fuzz, and it was no more exotic smelling or tasting than the pine and field weed it was probably grown in, but take 4 big hits of that shit, and you'd KNOW what too much of a potent HIGH is when you'd get a couple minutes of happy giddiness before the room started spinning on you with the worst possible dizziness imaginable that would lead to puking if you tried to take the edge off with a beer. then you'd start tripping a little as you prayed for sleep. THAT's potent, but didn't look it based on the schwag appeal's myth whose only purpose is to make indicas sound better than sativas when they aren't according to the majority with many of us flat out despising stoner bud.

thef irst time i scored 2 different varieties of that shit at 3 grams or more even for the $8 i had in my pocket after the paraquat draught, i was PISSED!!! no matter how much i smoked, i wasn't getting anything resembling high, just more tired, stoopid and pissed off. i wanted my money back!

then as the $50 EIGTHS of "bag appeal" that replaced the $40 QUARTERS of gold (always sold as thai as even there... marketing hype was used *sigh*) i gre very annoyed by all the bullshit hype dealers used to try and make their schwag sound better than getting high

- look at all that resin (that just makes you tired with no euphoria, motivation, creativity or sensory effects)
- mmmm mmmm mmm, smell that skunk's anus! that's some "good shit" (irony intended)
- look at the size of that bud! (sounds like penis envy)
- feel how hard that is! why, you can't even break it apart and smoke it with your bare fingers!
- look! red hairs!

big fucking deal! no matter how much you try and hype that shit, it doesn't get you high! i've been thinking of starting a thread calling bag appeal lies because those who've actually smoked bud that the OPPOSITE of that propaganda know that the best shit has none of those traits. columbian gold popcorn was fluffy, pale green, no more exotic smelling than pine, tasted like what a wild growing field smells like, and had only little peachuzz resin glands on it. the "bag appeal myth" was created to distract the weak minded and forgetful from the fact that the indoor shit that replaced sativas after the paraquat wars and drought was seriously inferior to the highs we were all getting the summer before at half the fucking price at that! it's hype to make the "new jack" shit sound better when in fact it's MUCH WORSE.

peeps that have actually gotten high for real and old timer's know what the fuck is up, and by that, i mean that UP buzz you get when you're high. it's purely marketing hype for schwag and enough people bought into it to make the myth seem like reality. i defy ANY schwag appeal advocate to take 4 big chamber hits off real columbian gold and call it "weak"! you take 4 hits of that shit and first you'll be woofing your lungs out, then you'll feel happy for a minute until the room starts spinning on you and you have to lie down and pray for sleep and WHATEVER you do, don't try and take the edge off with beer as it'll only make you puke your guts out on top of your lungs, and THEN you'll start trippin' and seeing shit, but all you'll care about is the room to stop spinning and making you dizzy. the experience is a lot funner at sane doses and if you aren't a naturally twitchy person who WOULD be better suited with an anti-anxiety indy or hybrid.

ya out of 100's of strains i have smoked some of the best were airy 'sativa staggered" structure. not grower error airy lol

Jessica D, another truth bearer!

and another...
"I started smoking in the 70's and remember the quality of the highs were amazing. They induced fits of laughter, incredible munchies, made you feel uplifted, inspired and happy. I noticed a drop in effects around the early 90's. Didn't really know what had happened, but the fun high sorta went away. I shrugged it off thinking maybe it was my tolerance had gotten to high or just getting older in age that lowered the quality of the buzz.

It wasn't until I started talking to other smokers around my age and slightly younger that I realized it wasn't just me. Many people agreed the "fun stuff" disappeared in the early 90's.

I researched online for a couple months but didn't find many leads to help me understand what might have happened. However, I believe I've come to the conclusion that the majority of strains available today are more indica dominant which is not what I was use to having. Since I read, almost all the strains in the 70's-80's were pure Sativa's. I didn't really know the difference between the two back then. Nobody really did or cared. We all just knew what the effects were and we enjoyed it.

ALL the strains I've been experimenting with since the 90's have been hybrids and I haven't had any luck. They make me tired, lethargic, anti-social and sorta dumb. If we would of been sold today's weed back in the 70's-80's, we would of cursed the dealer out and asked for a refund! Not kidding!


Some of the best highs I ever had were males plants and it was not this dense bud stuff you see today. It was just dried, BROWN leaves. We would smoke this stuff and laugh straight for 2 1/2 hours! It would cause visual and audio hallucinations, colors were VIBRANT, everything sparkled to the extreme where you could barely see even squinting your eyes almost entirely shut. It was an instant good time. One joint for 5 people and we all got RIPPED, for hours!

It seems all of the smokers today are all caught up on the appearance, taste, smell, texture, stickyness of the buds and all this bogus horseshit. But who really cares. They quality of the high with all this shit is lame.
They've almost turned smoking weed into a wine connoisseur type of hobby. It's stupid.

from jgerlitz & His father, here:
Malawi - Landrace Sativa 130+ days flower

and another...
Me personally, I'm not a (heavy) indica person - but I have my reasons. Mainly because I have clinically diagnosed neurological problems... I'm sure you know enough at med's as to why sativa's help me better. I had the same issues with my "old" dealer before I became legal. A few times I would get a good sativa and request that he ask for it again. He would yell at me giving me all kinds of shit about how it wasn't that good, and sativas take too long to grow, are stringy with no bag appeal, etc.

from Buddy232 here:
What Strains Should I Use for Mums?

it's time the TRUTH gets fucking told as there's so many peeps in here that THINK the quality of a bud is in what it looks like and not in how it actually smokes because they've embraced what is a lie as the truth. i'm not talking about the minority or med users that actually prefer being stoned mind you, but those who keep defending the LIE as the truth. sadly, so many people today don't even know what the fuck getting high even is because greedy ass growers and dealers only want to line their pockets and must keep parroting the schwag appeal myth for maximum profits. greed is the enemy of all that's good in this world and it has no problems lying. i REALLY got annoyed when the well connected dealer that looked at my first indoor grow commented about some growers who grow stony schwag appeal street beasters for cash, then use their ill gotten gains to buy BETTER gear from elite growers who care more about quality than quantity and put some actual love into their plants.

always taking this stance gets me a lot of troll hate for fighting against this greed based world where if you want to get high, you better start growing it yourself as dealers that have better gear are so in demand, you can't BUY their stuff even if you luck into it because of hoarding by middlemen.

sorry, if you're taking money from customers and KNOW you're selling them an inferior product, you're a greedy scumbag bastard! it's plain and simple no matter how you try and rationalize that it's OK to grow shit you wouldn't smoke yourself. i'd be ASHAMED to do that myself! i'd rather grow the best and give it away myself, if only to undermine the greedy bastards that don't want to be troubled growing HIGHer (pun intended) quality gear.

bag appeal is a lie. indicas are NOT better than sativas no matter what "turbo digital" buzzwords (pun intended) you try and slap on it. the FACT remains that people would rather get high than stoned in general. i created ANOTHER thread to prove THAT truth, and of course got trolled there too for fighting the good fight for truth and happy, motivated smokers. WHATEVER your preference is, add your vote their as i'm all about democracy and EVERYONE (meaning not just greedy growers and dealers) gets their vote.


hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
with that out of the way, there ARE some really nice smoking hybrids out there that still aren't hitting the streets like jack herer and C99 etc., but even those quick strains are either too slow and stretchy or low yielding for growers obsessed with yield or how "potent" (only measuring potency in stone BTW) a strain is. even the best hybrids pale in comparison to a true sativa though. they trade either motivation and/or trippiness for convenience. you have to grow the fussier stuff for true connoisseur quality.

i could add comments by DJ shorts or cannabible about the superiority, for MOST smokers, of strains that get you high as i'm sure this thread will get trolled for my "daring" to challenge the greedy evil status quo and it's lies as no amount of facts or proofs can ever shut an angry troll up. LOL


Ursus marijanus
The other side of this is practicality. Indicas and hybrids are suitable for indoor grows. You have to know what you're doing and bring some real commitment to the table to grow hard Sativas. Outdoor in a good climate like coastal SoCal would be an option, but the Cessnas are watching. cn


Well-Known Member
fucking hell hazey you must have been ripped of big time as your so bitter about people having the abilitty to yield quality with bag appeal that gets you high.

Sure its never on the street corners where noobs buy their stuff as its all gone buy then, the true smokers have got it and kaned it.

Hazey just get over it, your sad little life as never been and bought good weed only ever shwagg, hence you shouting anything else is wrong.

Just because you dont like being stoned it does not meen others dont. YOU are the minority.

We all like smokeing haze's but not many of us can be bothered with its flowering time.

WHy dont you start a Thread (and waist yours and everyone else's time) on best ways to make a plant not flower and look like shit b3fore smoking the "Budtrim"


Well-Known Member
lol. too bad this story isn't short enough to actually read.

anyone care to paraphrase?

wait, I'll do it from the every 3rd word I read for a minute. I'm old, and miss the bud I used to think was great, because I didn't know better back then, and what I really like is sativas, since indicas don't do much for me, so maybe I should learn to buy the kind of weed I actually like, so I don't have to bitch about it on the internet.

Close enough?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
lol. too bad this story isn't short enough to actually read.

anyone care to paraphrase?

wait, I'll do it from the every 3rd word I read for a minute. I'm old, and miss the bud I used to think was great, because I didn't know better back then, and what I really like is sativas, since indicas don't do much for me, so maybe I should learn to buy the kind of weed I actually like, so I don't have to bitch about it on the internet.

Close enough?
Pretty much spot on.

Weed has gotten better, its been proven by this thing called science?

Hit a club and buy some medical pure sativa or shut up. You ramble incoherently, no one wants to read that much either. Holy shit.


Well-Known Member
Hazey thiink's if he wites in massive paragraphs people woont read it and think he knows what he on about but the oppasite is fact hazey knows only what others tell him here.

But I guess he does need to write an whole thread to show everyone someone agreed with him...

Look he quotes them, normally uses it as his own work-words


Active Member
How is it that a grown ass man can act like such a child. No Sativas aren't better. No Indicas aren't better. It's a preference as to which you like more. So just get your racy Sativas smoke that while the rest of us can smoke whatever we like.


Well-Known Member
I've taken it all into consideration and will call it [h=2]SCHWAG appeal...[/h]
so now what?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
this guy is still here . .. . . .man hazey is not a smoker, i doubt he has ever smoked any pot . . . . seems the guy smokes leaves and stems as perfered recreational drug . . . .. .

complete buffoon
Paraquat drought, interesting, I never heard it refered to like that.

But I do remember, that in 1986, all the good pot seemed to dissappear.

I use to get that incredible gold weed. And a lot of other nitro, that I've never seen again. People like Marc Emery had commented to me, that it's just fond memories.

But that logic really makes no sense. As if to say just because I haven't had a beer in 20 years, I wouldn't know what one was. Or it wouldn't get me drunk the same would be silly.

And it's the same thing with cannabis, just like it would be with anything else.


bud bootlegger
and nobody mentioned the obvious.. sativa can look pretty fucking bomb in a bag as well as an indica can.. i just grew some blue dream, and that shit was so loud, my boy didn't even have to open the bag to look at how good it was.. as soon as i was within five feet of him, he knew it was going to be the killer...
plus, the reason why most sativa's back in the day didn't have the same bag appeal as they could today, or compared to even today's indicas is simple... most of it was grown outdoors, many, many, many miles away from where it was sold.. most bud today is all grown indoor under super hps bulbs and with the best of nutrients and today's growers would never think of leaving their bud out to the elements, but that all was common place in the 60s and 70s..
then this bud that was grown outdoors, sometimes not in the best of conditions, is then pressed up, put into tires, gas tanks, up peoples assholes, you name it, it was done to the bud back then.. again, none of this does one thing to contribute to bag appeal.. people today are probably buying their weed no more then 4 or 5 people from the ones who grown it, and not one of these people stuck it up their ass to get it out of their countries and into our own to get it to us..

colombian gold is said to have gotten it's color from being left out in the sun to dry and cure.. today we know that leaving bud out in the sun degrades thc, and you'd never see a person come onto riu and say, i just left my crop out in the mexican sun to dry and cure so it will get that golden color.. can you imagine how hard they'd be lol at?? they'd be worse then finshwaggy ffs...

so, in closing, you can grow nice sativa with a nice bag appeal today.. maybe the shit back in the days looked like ass, but that doesn't have to be an indicator of the quality, but more so a sign of the times and the way it was grown, cured and packaged imvho.. :D


Active Member
anger not good in here. the f this and f that. not needed to get point across. if you find something that did not work for you, it dosent mean it a lie. it means its something for you to cry about. its like people crying racism. if it cant be proven, the acusers, should face worse penalties, for opening their pie holes too soon. its too easy to bad mouth people on the internet. no way will you get a rap on the beak, like in real life. most who bitch online, have no spine in real life. cowards, mostly. no way do they have the guts to talk to people face to face like this. and most of these sniviling leftists, never appologize either. seem to think they have special rights, to bad mouth. cool off, think about what a lie it is! I HEARD someone saw a comet the other night. if i did not see it, is it a lie!??

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
The other side of this is practicality. Indicas and hybrids are suitable for indoor grows. You have to know what you're doing and bring some real commitment to the table to grow hard Sativas.
of course indica hybrids are more practical. that's why my favorite strain is 9 week finishing jack's cleaner 2. i've TRIED growing highland thai, and that was one fussy tranny bitch and a half to attempt indoors! i had to transplant it 2x into a 2 gallon it was still bitching about even to get it sexed, and about as soon as it did, balls dropped out of that poonanny. that took something like 3 months too. yes, if you want the best, you REALLY have to commit to it, but to me, that's nature's way of maintaining checks and balances. nature doesn't like it when people take shortcuts... don't get me started on global warming.

there ARE strains though that are more practical than pure sativas that also have respectable highs, again, jack's cleaner 2, cinderella, apollo, super silver haze and so on. they aren't as "good" as the real deal, but they're all a lot better than the stony cash crap i've seen from EVERY dealer for 25+ years by now.

even pure sativas ARE doable indoors though if you just SCROG them. then, the only compromise you make is yield. i found malawi gold to be way more co-operative than highland thai, and 12 week haze x skunk would be ideal for scrogging as it makes a ton of buds every couple inches and 9 week finishing, but stretchy sweet haze isn't shabby at all.

i'm really keen to work with john sinclair's sativa trans-love which is pretty compact, buds like fucking crazy as soon as you flip it, and has a respectable, though not too trippy generic haze high. THAT crossed with a haze or landrace ought to be another step in the right direction for improved hybrids with less of the indica dominance that makes even 75% sativa skunk #1 uninspiring.

my point is that "bag appeal" is nothing more than indica hype that KEEPS indicas dominating the market despite the demand for better highs. bag appeal is anti-sativa and getting back to sativa highs should be the majority's goal as most people would rather be high than stoned. i freakin' HATE stoner bud. it makes me feel impared and pissed off, so when the bag appeal myth tries to make THAT sound superior, i'm just not hearing it.

if i smoked afghani instead of columbian gold when my fast food co-workers talked me into blazing after work, i never would have toked a second time. i have no use for getting stoned at all. i'm not going out of my way to sympathize with those who DO prefer indicas or need them simply because they have no problem scoring, but scoring a good high is virtually impossible. i was gifted a gram of original kali mist in the 90s, and begged and pleaded to score an eigth for an INSANE $120, and even then, it just wasn't happening. it's a sad fucking world when you can't get high for even above top dollar. to me, getting high is the ONLY bag appeal and it has nothing to do with the accepted definition i'll always call schwag appeal

But that logic really makes no sense. As if to say just because I haven't had a beer in 20 years, I wouldn't know what one was. Or it wouldn't get me drunk the same would be silly.
i'm not sure EXACTLY what you're referring to, but not everyone's memories of the good old days are as lucid as mine or yours. a couple years ago, i reminded an old timer that he could still get high. he literally thought it was HIS fault when indicas replaced sativas and he stopped getting high. he thought his biochemistry had changed, or maybe was harangued by an uppity dealer trying to brainwash him into accepting indicas. and it worked. a lot of people are easy to convince of anything, like, even that obama is a freakin' ALIEN! (scary, but TRUE!) to me, talk is automatically something to be distrusted until proof is offered in general.

i got into a REALLY heated argument that first year of the stoner rebellion with some dealer trying to argue that indicas were better parroting the bag appeal party line all the while refusing to address the fact none of that shit had anything to do with getting high. he kept trying to marginalize sativas. THAT's what i'm ranting about... "bag appeal" marginalizes sativas and makes them sound inferior which they only are if you're greedy. otherwise, they're better in every way to smoke for the majority.

if both types were available, even if sativas were fetching higher prices, i wouldn't have such deep seated resentment for that desert bastard that killed my columbian gold princess. every time i've run across a nice to awesome high, scoring was not an option. i couldn't score any of the durban poison i was gifted a gram of, the dude who blazed me out on something very similar to columbian he was getting for $35 an eigth, i think, refused to hook me up for $50 for the same, and recently i met another peep who had a line oon something between skunk #1 and C99 that didn't want to be bothered helping a brother out either. strains that get people high are hoarded because if he hooked me up, then there's another person making stock run out faster. *sigh*, more demand than supply.

so 1986 was the "dry year" then? i knew it was '85-'87, but now will try and remember '86 as the bad year. no one had anything until the summer of '87 and it was all freakin' $50 eights of indica... paying more than double for none of the quality still annoys me to this day and i'm a champion grudge holder. i still have grudges back to 3 years old! LOL


New Member
They quality of the high with all this shit is lame.

I'm sorry, but if the "quality of the high" with the current day weed you get is "lame" compared to the weed you got in the '80's, when weed was much less potent, then you are the one buying or growing "lame" current day weed.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
you must have been ripped of big time as your so bitter about people having the abilitty to yield quality with bag appeal that gets you high.
who has high yielding gear that gets you high? i'll give someone $50 right now for 1/8th of something at least as good as lemon skunk! no shit! i've never been able to buy anything better than better than average, but still stony skunk #1, for a month, and blueberry a couple times. i talked to a dude that wanted to sell me martian mean green that acted stupid when i called him up a couple times a week later, so i wasn't able to score then either.

sure there ARE growers that produce strains with real highs, but good luck finding them, and even when you do, good luck getting them to fucking let go of that shit! begging and pleading to give someone $120 for 1/8th and still not being able to score is just wrong.

i DO know a dealer that at least sometimes gets super silver haze in and even at a respectable street price now. i hope he doesn't turn flaky too when i'm ready to score and run into him again.

How is it that a grown ass man can act like such a child. No Sativas aren't better. No Indicas aren't better. It's a preference as to which you like more. So just get your racy Sativas
statitistically, there's a preference for sativas almost 2 to 1 with nearly half of smokers preferring or DEMANDING to get high, so, strains that get you high ARE better, otherwise, there wouldn't be a greater demand for them. you seem to have missed my point where i repeatedly acknowledge that some do prefer getting stoned. that's fine, they can get what THEY want anywhere, but the world is unjust forthose of us that have no use for thatcrap at all.

you make it sound easy to get high. it ISN'T! finding a dealer that offersthe service is nearly impossible outside norcal. someone mentioned buyer's clubs, that's a crock of shit! the good stuff never makes it that far from everything i've read and is the same old same old cash crapping game with a dose of flat out lying about strain names when the better stuff sells out to move the schwag.

then, if you want to do it right, you gotta do it yourself, but that's not easy either! never heard of nosy fucking neighbors constantly up in your business and scumbag landlords who make up an excuse to invade your privacy every couple months? i've yet to start a grow that hasn't been fucked with by neighbors and/or landlords invading my castle i'd like to bludgeon. if it weren't for all that shit, i might have a head stash right now, but my last attempt got ruined by a neighbor with a fucking stethoscope making drama, indirectly, over transplanting soil and my exhaust fan i had to switch to manual on and forgot one night trashing my entire grow 1 month in from hot spot burns.

you tell me the SIMPLE solution to growing without being fucked with seeing you're so full of answers i can't figure out on my own without the money to just buy a house and do whatever the fuck i want.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
sucks to live where you live

plenty of high yielding fire around, this came out from my garden a month ago and was very nice and my patients loved it, a complete hybrid poly

pulled a 1.5 weeks early to reveg, i got 2 ounces a gallon and was a very nice day time smoke, good sativa effects and some nice body highs from the indica side

yumbolt x alien kush f2, i am not a master or even seasoned grower . . . . . its about the individual not the years or amount of time around pot . . . . anyone who cares can grow good pot, sativa or indicas or hybrids, you smoke for effect , and indicas just have a different cocktail then sativas, ther eis no better or worse, only preference

these arguments are devoid of actual knowledge and are just a way to manipulate the public to thinking one type of pot is worse off to use then another or is to strong or dangerous to the avg user

ion a real smokers world or a p[patients world there is not a word to describe enough medicine as we medicate to correct a inbalance in our life or body, there is only what worls . . to try to typecast one strain or verity/cultivar as anything other than a preference is asinine

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i just couldn't read all that, actually i couldnt read much of it. if i am off base here sorry.

if you cant buy what you need, then grow it. i got sick of buying crap that was half seeds. and i saved a lot of them seeds.


Well-Known Member
I personally love a good sativa high as well, but they just take to long to flower. Thats why you pick your stains wisely and try to find something that will fit your pallet. I've ben growing white widow for 4 years now from one mother plant way back when. I've kept it because it is a fantastic day time sativa high. Its 60% sativa, 40% indica, so I can harvest it in 7 weeks, and have an average yield of an oz per plant (I grow single cola sog). The hybrids have allowed us to have the sativa high, with the indica speed.

I too couldn't begin to read all that. To much bitching, nothing other then personal feelings behind the argument. I've also grown out full sativas, actually have 2 in right now, and they certainly can have bag appeal. Bag appeal is mostly about how you treat your weed, not what type of weed it is. I've seen some bags that looked like seedy mids, but I got really high. I've also bought bags for $60 an eighth and been pissed cus even though it looked and smelled amazing the high was a joke. I've watched people on here grow out soe regular od bag seed and it look amazing, but I bet the high wasn't there. Like someone said before, alot of the stuff form the 60s-70s was gown out doors, and then abused during the processing, no wonder it didn't look great.
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