BadKat's CannaPharm: Canna Caps, UV Reactive Glowing Hash Candy, Canna 'Bombs' & More

Ahh I should have read more I didn't realize they weren't at regular grocery stores lol I'll check a local health food place after my midterm tmrw

Is lecithin powder necessary for making candy?
i love pure coconut oil.... i keep one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom for lotion - *best *lotion *ever.

@slurpy: a lot of 'pickling/jarring' sections/aisles stock citric acid powder (a lot of folks use it to keep their jarred summer fruits from going all brown). i bought mine at a hardware store with an extensive jarring section last year.

lecithin powder is fun stuff! besides candy-making, you can add it to almost any liquid to make it 'foam.' (i worked with an exec chef who was going through a 'foam' phase... aaaaaalll the specials had some sort of foam instead of a sauce for a while. grapefruit juice made the trippiest flavour). i haven't tried the candy recipes yet, but it's certainly fun stuff to get stoned and do science experiments with.... ;)
lol sounds like my kind of chef mellokitty, that grapefruit flavor sounds interesting :)

However we use lecithin, not as a flavor enhancer, but for the same reason pharmaceutical companies do; it's called liposomal encapsulation.

This is why I recommend using it in any edible-intent extraction, during the processing of your canna, from citric extractions, to alcohol, to oil.

They use it in pharmaceuticals to improve bioavailability of everything from pain meds, to vitamin C.. with vit C for example, it becomes up to 75% more bioavailable to your system, meaning you get the same treatment from using only 1mg liposomally treated vit C, as you would from around 4-5+mg untreated vit C. They use it as a flavor enhancer in cooking for similar reasons; the lecithin breaks down the flavoring already present into smaller particulates, allowing that flavor to enter your taste buds more easily, for a more rich, or full flavor :)

Vit C is a good example because it is very resistant to being absorbed by our system in its natural state without proper preparation (sound familiar?
) which is why you often see un-altered brands advertising "3000% of your daily dosage in each cap", you need that much per dose, just so your body has a chance to take in a healthy quantity.

Using liposomal encapsulation technology however (adding lecithin as an emulsifier and homogenizer), is considered the closest we can get in pill form, to an intravenous injection. It's used more frequently and considered to be even more effective at improving bioavailability, than the Bioperine used in Cannabrex 3x enhancement formula.

"Most of his work has been done with Vitamin C. Vitamin C has very low absorbability in the gastrointestinal tract of humans (16%). By encapsulating Vitamin C nanoparticles with a phospholipid membrane, we could directly by-pass the destructive forces of the gut with Liposomal-C being directly absorbed into the blood stream. He has manipulated the natural tendency of phospholipids to form tiny encasing bubbles (liposomes) in a water-based pharmacological solution. The key is that these formed liposomes will automatically encase whatever is in the water solution with it."

Here's a link to get you started.. try using google to search "lecithin THC pills capsules" and "lecithin liposomal encapsulation", and you'll come up with loads of responses.

Liposomal Encapsulation Technology (LET), Liposomal-Encapsulated Vit C, Some Additional Info.. at Cancer Alternatives Support Forum (MessageID: 1556982)

And an ecerpt from my first post here, for the canna capsules:

"Soy Lecithin. It's used in food processing to make less sugar appear 'sweeter', less

chocolate more 'chocolatey', and in pharmaceuticals to enhance the effectiveness of

medications, it homogenizes and safely coats, then breaks down substances, into more

fine, smaller particulates, promoting vastly improved systemic bioavailability within your


The difference is so great, that you can visually see the altered consistency between

oils/pills where lecithin was used, and when it was not. 'Liposomal' lecithin encapsulation,

simply put, breaks the glands down faster, making the heating process more efficient,

reducing the risk of damaging the material from possible over-processing. I recommend

using soy lecithin in all canna and hash oil recipes.

The glands, already being decarbed (preferably), are then broken down further, and are

delivered in a vehicle of lecithin oil, creating an intensely narcotic impact upon use.

Lecithin increases the availability of everything from sugars to vitamin C, to prescription

pain meds, and the increase in availability on contact is said to be between %15 and %75

depending on the substance, vitamin, or chemical. Meaning, the correct addition of lecithin

to for instance, vitamin C, reduces the quantity of ascorbic acid you need to consume in

order to achieve the same effect, by more than 50%. You can see how this applies to the

use of digestive-resistant canna in edibles.

And when you can buy such large packets of it for just two or three dollars, whatever the

increase is, it's well worth it. If you'd like to get fancy, and possibly enhance the process

further, you can additionally use ultrasonic jewelry cleansers to mimic the lab-like process

of liposomal encapsulation, and utilize a briefer period of heating. "
WOW take me to Nimbin, time well spent, nice to see all this, welcome to the sand box, much karma your way.

I love you Mad Scientist (maybe Mad Chemist) you make it easy to do great things, with no understanding of what were doing, but loving every minute of it. Some understand more than other`s I`m sure...

have you seen the home made rail guns.... LMAOBT :joint::bigjoint::cool:
Want you to feel right at home


Sung to the tune of Waltzing Matilda.
Once a Ganja smoker forgot to bring his bong along,
"It don’t really matter, I can build one" said he,
and he sang, as he mulled, and then he rolled a giant joint,
Who’ll come and share in a session with me?

Free Marijuana!! Free Marijuana!!
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?
We’ll sing till we bring, freedom to the growth of Green,
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?

Down near a water hole grew a wild Sativa tree.
Up jumped the smoker and picked buds with glee.
and he sang, as he mulled up all that wicked wild weed.
Who’ll come and join in a session with me?

Free Marijuana. We’ll smoke lots of Ganja,
Smoking Marijuana sets your mind free.
We’ll sing till we bring, freedom to the growth of Green,
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?

Down came a squatter, a Rasta with a real cool dread.
Down came Police men, now happy, hip and free.
Check out all the wicked weed you got in that bowl of yours,
let’s all get rolling and skin some spliffs, Yipee!!

Free Marijuana. Set loose the Ganja,
Who’s feeling happy? and who wants green peace?
And we’ll sing till we bring, freedom to the growth of Green
Who’ll come and join in this protest with me?


Hey awesome thread, but do you have any ways of extracting without these weird materials?

I went to two grocery stores looking for "Coconut Oil" and neither had any. Closest thing i could find was peanut or grapeseed oil. Also Citric Acid Powder? I didn't look for that so they might have it but it still sounds exotic and i'm not in a major city or anything lol

can i not use vegetable oil or something common to extract it then make candy? Or is it because the coconut oil hardens that it works for the candy?

i had a hard time at first finding coconut oil also... until i found the mother load...go to an indian grocery store
Teaser (
): Home Made "Triple Berry Hash Wine"

Depending how the mods and the powers that be, feel, I may or may not be sharing this recipe. It's up to them in the end; we share recipes for dragon, and other canna elixirs using alcohol, ISO alcohol extractions (toxic to drink of course), but on some canna forums, brewing may be off-limits. If they'll allow me to share, under the pretense that any alcohol created during the process is 'incidental', then I'll gladly share the recipe and tutorial. If the folks running the show here don't say otherwise in the next few days, I'll post the recipe. Otherwise, we'll have to leave it at the teaser photos, and that's fine by me if necessary

You can use canna as a flavoring (and not for potency) by adding pure, sterilized bud before fermentation, or you can add activated extracts, as I've done, if you do want potency.

I'll just add this... ten or fifteen bottles in the grow room, doesn't hurt your CO2 levels





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i don't drink alcohol (i'm allergic - hives) but i looooove the taste of wine (you know the amount they give you to 'taste' when you order a bottle? i can nurse that for about 3 hours).
THIS looks waaaaay more promising than the mystery brew the neighbours are keeping in an 18gal and keep trying to feed me *shudders*

VERY excitied.
so exicted i can't spell it.
Subbed this is one of the best "cookbooks" I have seen very detailed and easy to follow. If you can't understand these recipes you don't deserve to be in a kitchen +Rep some of this stuff I would of never though of in a million years.
i'm planning on trying the citric acid extraction in the next couple days and i have a few more questions:
-if i'm using wet bubblehash (as opposed to dry shake or hash), is there some sort of precaution i should be taking? (my thought right now is that i probably want to let it sit open for a bit longer at the end because of the extra moisture but is there anything else?)
-if i use alcohol instead of vinegar how alcoholic does it need to be? or is the acidity more important? (right now i have rye whiskey, brandy, and wine; rye is obviously the highest-test but i would think wine would be more acidic....) also: does alcohol speed up the process a little bit since it evaporates at a lower temp?
-how much lecithin? do you have a 'magic' ratio?

i think that's it (thank you in advance for your help).... my dulce de lece experiment turned into fudge (wth?) so hubby and i are having a bud-choco-dipped-fudge-sculpture contest.
if i am making green dragon, would it help to put lecithin in it?? and if so how much, i put 42 grams of weed in 750 ml of 151 proof everclear.
Bump for more Bad Kitty Genius! I'm not trying to kiss your ass, but I like everything you post. Haha.
this is just bad ass love the process you have for the hard candy gonna use it with my bho i know you used it with what looks like screened keif but i want it to REALLY kick some ass so i wanted

also heres a idea... you seem great with candy... i got a task for you you might have already done it buttt...... TAFFY yes... Taffy.

if you can make taffy that would be amazing
This thread is so full of win... is Charlie Sheen hiding around here somewhere?
Seriously, great thread, info, plant, recipe's, chica etc...
Subbed, man. Keep it coming. +rep
I want you to know I reference this constantly and it is helping me out a lot with my anxiety, the lack of smoke/stress is helping my lungs and heart, I feel noticeably better. Once I can make these in large batches easily without any extra stress on me I will begin making larger batches, and helping others as well. Why haven't you started on a book, or submitted this information to a popular cannabis lifestyle book or magazine?

Your cooking guides are superb.
I want you to know I reference this constantly and it is helping me out a lot with my anxiety, the lack of smoke/stress is helping my lungs and heart, I feel noticeably better. Once I can make these in large batches easily without any extra stress on me I will begin making larger batches, and helping others as well. Why haven't you started on a book, or submitted this information to a popular cannabis lifestyle book or magazine?

Your cooking guides are superb.

1000% agree.
come ba~ck, BKS, come ba~ck....