BadKat's CannaPharm: Canna Caps, UV Reactive Glowing Hash Candy, Canna 'Bombs' & More

Well, assembling my pix and notes for the next post. Not sure what I have, or what its potency is. One question: is it supposed to taste like a really strong lemon drop? Holy shit it's tart.
The citric extraction I did does taste hella tart, yes. It didn't dry out though. I think it could easily be mixed into drinks or food or anything really, just not sure if it is effective at all. Will have to get someone to test it for me. I have had it in the cabinet for like 3 or 4 months lol
I think I will play with it today, perhaps gently heating it on a warming platter, and mixing in some honey to make it a little more palatable. Unless I really screwed up the process, it has potency locked in there somewhere. I just need to make it palatable. I mixed a scant dollop into some fizzy mineral water, and it all just kinda floated around and didn't make a satisfying beverage. Stay tuned.
that is exactly what happened to mine - it just kinda sank to the bottom...waiting for your results with the honey
Hey, can anyone explain why the high of an oil varies with
cooking temps and times
and if the cannabis is rapidly decarbing when cooked in temps ranging 220 - 230
because i keep trying different times using bks method
and my oil is very dark but the high is weak so Im starting to think the process
is either being ruined by my decarb method or cook time?

Help would really be appreciated Im a long time smoker and cant do so anymore because of my
lungs and Im wasting all my weed which I dont have to much to play with i would
normally smoke around 4gs a week now Im eating 3 to 4gs a day and i only have 1oz
left and Im 2 months away from harvest.
try her ocd method. use hash, it works best. I do not make bks recipes with trim oil, and the effect is very strong. keeping your dish sealed and constantly repeating the heating and cooling method makes it amazing. temps are best to be lower rather than higher. the canna bombs are especially strong, so are the capsules, anything that doesn't have to be cooked in my experience is strongest.
Very true Jozi about the heating and cooling. I have experimented with this as well by heating and freezing then reheating and freezing a couple more times. I believe it makes it way stronger.
Allright I'm going to be making more here in a couple
Of days hopefully freeze/thaw helps.
Oh and what Is bad cats ocd method
I looked but could not find.
Allright I'm going to be making more here in a couple
Of days hopefully freeze/thaw helps.
Oh and what Is bad cats ocd method
I looked but could not find.
It's basically just the hash coconut oil she makes, but she brings to heat and freezes multiple times, all day long. And that really works!! I broke it up over a period of two nights and it came out really great! I used 40/40 raw virgin coconut oil/clarified butter and 20% almond oil... I think. Clarifying the butter in my opinion is a big advantage, I don't know if it's more potent but tremendously increases the shelf life. Try and use 2 or more good fat sources, I would have thrown in avocado oil if I hadn't thought I'd be cooking with it (avocado oil has a extra low smoke point). By the way, I've never put butter into a capsule, just fyi. lol
yeah i don't use butter i use coconut and grapeseed i make separately
then mix I've been freeze/thaw for the last couple of days while stirring.
and i noticed that after the second day the bubbles/foam stopped forming when
being stirred and now the oils consistency seems much better ill be trying
it tomorrow and let you know the outcome.
Hello everyone! Just wanted to drop back in quickly and share my presentation from 4/20/2013 with Rick Simpson, during this year's Cannabis World Summit!

This year's event is already over, but it is (was, and according to the producers, always will be) a free and informative
event, available to all members of our community who are interested in cannabis, in its medical applications, and in what
the major players in the community are up to. :)

Both Rick Simpson and I were invited to speak, as the headlining 'star speakers' of this year's Summit! *WhooHoo!*

Each day of the event featured three or more speakers, while just Rick and I were invited to share the Big 4/20 day of the
Summit, due to our track records with treating and curing various cancers as well as other illnesses with our medical oils! :smile:



BadKat's CannaPharm : The Cannabis World Summit Edition...

BadKittySmiles World Summit FINAL SNEAK PREVIEW... Time-Lapsed Plant Growth, Medical Grade Canna Oil, Hash, Edibles, Cloning and more!


BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 1: Decarboxylation" by BadKittySmiles

BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 2: Flowering & Revegetated Clones" by BadKittySmiles

BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 3: Hash Machine Demo" by BadKittySmiles

BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 4: Medical Grade Oil" by BadKittySmiles

BadKat's CannaPharm "The Cannabis World Summit Edition, Vol 5: Powerful Topical Bone Bars" by BadKittySmiles

Sneak Preview 2 - BadKittySmiles - Cannabis World Summit - Comment to WIN FREE SIGNED BeeLine Hemp Wick!

The CannaPharm medical oil video tutorials, decarboxylation video, the hash machine demo, and topical treatment
tutorial, as well as another preview, Rick's interview, and his documentaries, can also be found on Day 5 - 4/20/2013
of the Cannabis World Summit website and the event itinerary below, along with some extra bonus footage from Rick.

So you folks can see who else spoke during the Summit, if you're interested and you have the time (there's some pretty
good information and interviews, Matt Mernagh was a speaker earlier in the week, plus Rick and the Summit producer and
founder, Bobby, spoke for well over five hours during Rick's interview, and the fellas were awesome enough to share their
discussion!), I'll also share the full itinerary for the event.

2013 Summit Speakers & Schedule

Welcome to the First Annual Cannabis World Summit! Below is the speaker lineup for the event and a brief summary of the talks.

Day 1 - April 16

Day 2 - April 17

Day 3 - April 18

Day 4 - April 19

Day 5 - April 20

Day 6 - April 21

Day 7 - April 22

Day 8 - April 23

Day 9 - April 24

Day 10 - April 25

The Cannabis Summit info and webpage should be within the forum guidelines as well (please let me know if for some reason there's an issue)!

I'm just a speaker, but the folks who provided the community with the Summit aren't selling anything, they aren't even asking for donations.

The Summit is a collection of several valued and esteemed members of our community, letting our hair down, and telling the world how it is!!! *Woohoo*!!

Hope you enjoy!

I'll be dropping by with a few more photo tutorials and video tutorials soon.

I'll ALSO be putting up a little linked "Table of Contents" sometime in the next week or so containing each of the
recipes within this thread with direct-links, so you can click to and from each tutorial with a little more ease!

For today, I'll leave you with some content from late last year, and a little earlier this year......


All the dishes in the photo below, including the berries and the cranberry punch, were VERY potent... a bit too much
when combined, for a few people (this does not include any of the 'unadulterated' dishes, that guests brought ).



Some New Year's Eve shots...



The oil below began with a strong batch of mixed indica hash oil, cut down, to decrease and level out potency, with
our favorite canna oil of the season made from the popcorn buds of the TRCP#3 (creating a powerful dose per cap, for
most patients, or a three or four cap dose for myself).

Each jar and bottle below, along with a few smaller gift bags with caps and chocolates, were given to the local
patients most in-need
and those who had suffered the most hardship this year... enough for most to medicate daily, until
at least spring!


Another Xmas, or New Year bowl of MBS....


Had a very small group here for Christmas, these were the medicated dishes.... the Moose Pops contain 4 solid doses for
most patients, the Hashy Bars contain 4 - 6 doses (these were also given as gifts!)....


Half are 'Holiday Candy Cane' flavor, such as the fellow with the painted toenails, the rest were Original, Orange, and Amaretto.





More MBS, with it's wonderful helices of various purple-blue-red anthocyanins, throughout the trichomes...




A Lemon Haze shatter drop, on MBS...



And this......


-Canna Candy Apples!-


It's that time of year again...... :smoke:


You will need:

'Modified Kit Recipe'

- 1 box Candy Apple base/mix kit (most will include sticks, be sure yours does too!)

- 2 cups sugar

- 8 - 10 apples.. any kind will do, but tart apples taste the best with a sweet coating and tend to hold up the best after exposure to a little heat... Granny Smith and McIntosh are good choices.

- 1 and 1/2 cups Water, or (optional) Tonic water

- 2 tsps, or 8 - 10 doses canna or hash oil

optional; extra cinnamon, apple, or other fruity flavors flavor... raspberry, papaya, and strawberry can be tasty.

'Home Made'

Using the rest of the ingredients (apples, sugar, sticks etc.) substitute the packet ingredients included in the kit, for:

- 1 cup invert sugar, -or- golden syrup, -or- corn syrup


- ½ tsp cinnamon flavor, (or slightly less than the manufacturers recommendation per 3 total cups 'sugar', or one dram if using LorAnn oils)


- 1 cup cinnamon 'red hot' candies



Wash and dry your apples thoroughly.. it is important you have them very dry, and it is a good idea that you buff off as much of their natural wax as possible. Once finished, insert your sticks, and give them a final wipe to remove any juices. Prepare aluminum foil or wax paper on a heat-safe surface, and give it a light greasing, or spray with Pam.

Mix your sugar, and the packet (if using one, invert sugar or syrup if you're not) and water or tonic water in a small sauce pot. Over a medium-high heat, boil for roughly 10 - 15 minutes, using a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature. Remove from heat when the candy reaches 280 f, for a softer candy, or when it reaches 300 f for a hard 'lollipop'-style candy. Once removed you may carefully add your flavoring and coloring elements, along with your canna oil.... if making your own candy without a boxed mix and without 'red hots', you may use any color you like. Red looks very nice, and traditional, but it does not glow as well as a blue, or green.

Once added, only stir gently and just enough to blend the color, oil and flavor, do not 'whisk' or over-blend. Immediately begin dipping and carefully twirling your apples in your candy. Work fast! You can always place your candy back on the still-hot burner, but I caution against actually turning it on again, except if absolutely necessary.. if you go a little too far, you can ruin your candy!

Place each apple on your greased sheet as you finish them, and allow about an hour and a half in a cool-dry room, to harden. It is NOT generally recommended that you freeze or refrigerate candy, especially candied fruit which contains moisture.
For those of you without air conditioners or humidity control in your kitchens, we're heading towards a better time of year for candy making.... it's almost impossible when the humidity is too high!

Once hardened you can wrap them if you like, but wrapped or not, you should try to have them consumed within 24 hours, or three days max in a dry climate. Due to the moisture in the apple, they will get melty after a few days (this is common for home made candied apples; it's not a 'canna thing'. :) )




Tip: You'll notice that eventually, you have candy left, but dipping becomes a challenge... just give it a final brief heating, and use a flexible spatula-scraper to get as much candy out as you can, onto a greased piece of wax paper or foil, or into a greased candy mold. :)
Just remember... hot candy is, well, hot! Be just as careful, as you would be when making any type of hot candy, or any hot food in general.

Enjoy :)
And a little snack.....


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:clap: and it's not even Halloween yet. i'm looking forward to it though. you must be planning already lol you've probably got a few stock ideas already who am i kidding.
Sup peeps I need some medible advice been on a health lick for 6 months and for about 7-8 I've had real bad pains in my joins n limbs, I've eliminated 99% of causes other than some horrible diseases I'm terrified of,. Anyway for the first time in ages I made a batch of weed cookies, damn near knocked me out for a day but no joint pains for a couple days, today they're back but not half as bad.

Anyway long story short I need a good medible recipe that doesn't involve shoveling cookies into me. Is coconut oil as good but better for me health n weight wise? Or do I just super dose a batch and go easy.

my tolerance is pretty non existent as like I say smoking it didn't seem to make it better almost aggravated the feelings.

Thanks in advance peeps
Agreed Jozi...verrrry good! I have been making them for quite some time. I am finally off all my medications except omeprazole for heartburn. I am finally able to sleep some too. To answer your question Don...yes, for most things you can switch the coconut oil out for butter in your recipes. It is a very good and healthy oil, and may even help weight loss - at least that is what they told me at Elliot's health store. That is awesome that the edibles helped with your joint pain.

...Thank you BKB!!! you rock :)
Sup peeps I need some medible advice been on a health lick for 6 months and for about 7-8 I've had real bad pains in my joins n limbs, I've eliminated 99% of causes other than some horrible diseases I'm terrified of,. Anyway for the first time in ages I made a batch of weed cookies, damn near knocked me out for a day but no joint pains for a couple days, today they're back but not half as bad.

Anyway long story short I need a good medible recipe that doesn't involve shoveling cookies into me. Is coconut oil as good but better for me health n weight wise? Or do I just super dose a batch and go easy.

my tolerance is pretty non existent as like I say smoking it didn't seem to make it better almost aggravated the feelings.

Thanks in advance peeps

coconut oil is definitely better for you than butter on pretty much all counts. i know people that have noticed dramatic weight loss since switching out their fats for it.
if you're concerned about dosage, i would suggest a topical cream of some sort; i started making a salve using my super-strength coconut oil and a couple of my medible patients have switched over to it completely; they say it helps the pain while allowing them to function. has a nice toasty feeling when it starts to work.
here's a recipe similar to the one i use: just use canna infused oil for the coconut oil. :)
you guys rock, thanks for the heads up i'll re read the cannacaps recipes and no doubt i'll have a load of questions nearer the time!

thanks again peeps and Badkittysmiles :)
Hello miss Mello :) How have you been girl? I have made lip balms as well and they are a big hit! And apparently they have a good effect to them, at least that is what my patients tell me. My one girl who celebrates Ramadan (sp?), loves them. She can't eat or smoke during Ramadan, but swears by the lip balm! I have been thinking about expanding on it to make an icy hot type rub.