Bad weed newbie questions


Active Member
I just smoked some terrible weed last night. it was so bad i packed one bowl didnt even finish it and dumped the rest out. So that led me to this question how is bad weed grown and why does it become bad? what causes it to taste so much worse then others? how can growing bad weed be avoided and be sure that you grow some high quality bud?


Well-Known Member
many huge farms in mexico grow crap strains and then they harvest it too early so thc content is lower than it could be, they dont flush the plants so you get that nute-nitrogen flavor plus they 'brick' it which means that they just harvest the entire plant, and throw it in huge crates (leaves, seeds, stems, bud and all) all together and compress it for shipment.. they dont cure it and often let it sit around outdoors for too long so it gets dry as sand then it winds up in your bag-o-weed, basically rough stuff. :(
By using a female crop, flushing the plants before harvest and harvesting only the buds (no leaves or stems), harvesting at the right time (window whereby the thc content is at a max) and drying and curing properly then storing in an air tight container you can maximize the quality of the bud.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Weed can suck due to the following mistakes:

1. No flushing in the last 1-2 weeks - will keep nutes in the plant. Nutes taste terrible when smoked.

2. Cold temps - usually a problem when growing outside. Will slow down metabolism. The plant won't get to use up all the remaining nutes => same horrible taste problem.

3. High temps - will irreversibly f*ck up buds. A burnt bud will most likely taste like ash or something down that road and will have lost its potency because all the thc was lost/broken down because of the heat.

4. Tap water - using tap water that hasn't been left for 24h in order for the chlorine to evaporate. If there's a lot of chlorine in the local water supply and the chlorine isn't removed, it will sooo end up in your buds and taste like the devil's ass.

5. Bad drying - during drying, any foul odors in the room will be absorbed by the buds.

I'm sure there are many more reasons why weed can end up tasting like goat shit. These usually are mistakes done by commercial users that are in it just for the money. People growing their own will never ever make these mistakes (or at least very rarely).

Pittsburgh Kush

Active Member
Well, if your wondering how mids come around, its simply a huge outdoor grow op that the only thing the grower does is plant and harvest, doesn't even bother to take out the males, so thats why there are seeds. Its minimal time investment, but huge number of plats. They get get poor quality, but due to how much they grow, the still make bank.

Hoped this helped.


Well-Known Member
everyone is right...all good reasons as to why we should grow our own shit...lets put the shitty fuckers outta business....If everyone grew enough kronz there would be enough to sell the killz at mid and low grade prices....then there would be no more crap:joint:


Well-Known Member
quick question. you can grow low grade weed but if properly taken care of and dryed and cured will it taste good?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If you treat your plant right, there is no reason for it to taste bad. As stated by others and me before, the main reasons for bad taste are: carelessness, irresponsible crowded growing, bad temps, no flushing, treated tapwater and irresponsible drying. Any grower who cares about his plants will not let these things get in his way towards obtaining a perfect bud. If you respect your plant and will do a dedicated job towards growing and drying it, then there is no chance of bad taste.


Active Member
I have a quick question.

Ive gone 2 times prior to this but cant remember what the sex is when the preflowers begin to show. Like the very first thing you see,,,, the little tiny bud like leaf. 3 nods down from the top of my plant has began to show signs of preflowers. but its just a tiny little green/redish pink color.

But I was wondering if the pistils come a little later or if it was a female their would of been tiny pitils already.

btw, this male or female preflower just showed up yestuday,. I just wanna know now so I can get rid of it if it is a male..

any advice much appreciated

Pittsburgh Kush

Active Member
quick question. you can grow low grade weed but if properly taken care of and dryed and cured will it taste good?
So if your saying if you take some bag seed from some mids you just bought and you got a few females after you germed them, if you give them all the tlc they need, and maybe a little hps lovin, you could end up with a decent product.

It's possible, I've done it and ended up with some great bud, but proper care can only do so much, genetics is also a big factor.


Active Member

THat is soo trueee. I justt harvested some bag seed from mids, it was a $10 sac.... I gave it lots of TLC...... Just smoked finished product. and it was Beautiful tast an high.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
To Potterpan:

If you've switched from 18/6 to 12/12 instantly it will take some time (4-8 days) till you see some preflowers. If you've switched gradually, they may show up a bit earlier.

So wait a little longer before passing the verdict.


Junior Creatologist
hey doc, i read your post on the 1st page, and the one statement that stuck out for me was you sayin that tapwater fucks up your plant if you dont let it sit out for 24 hours first. Now, i understand the whole dechlorinating water bit, but usually the rule of thumb honestly is - if its good enough for a human to drink right away, its good enough for a plant to drink right away. - now ive been feeding my plants tapwater from the jump for this grow, with the occasional feed with distilled or r/o water whenever i need to flush. My girls are lookin like beasts right now. Im about 4-6 weeks away from chop, n i couldn't be happier with the way my girls stink and the way they look. Now, i guess thats because where im at they dont fuck with the water too too much, but i hear people going straight from the tap and into soil all the time, and theres no difference in quality or taste.

Have you personally had a bad experience using tap water? im just asking to find out what would make you say that, wether it was your own personal knowledge and experience, or from stuff that you've read? Ive read the same stuff, dont get me wrong, but as far as chlonrinated water being bad for your plants and giving you an end result of some shit tasting nugs, im not so sure. Of course as always, correct me if im wrong :)

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I did experience this once in my other apartment (different city). The water was so f*cked up, my plant was just looking horrible. Symptoms included yellowing of top leaved first, then of all leaves, loss of stability in the stem, bent leaf stems and curled leaves. After it died i grew another (same strain) in the exact same conditions, determined to find out what the hell was wrong. I saw a thread on some forum about chlorine so i figured, boil the water, then cool it. The next grow had no problems whatsoever. I don't live/grow in that apartment anymore because everything is just messed up. The air is polluted, water sux and the electric bill unbelievebly expensive.

This procedure of eliminating chlorine is very useful in cities where the water is treated and people dont wanna waste money on buying water. I feel it's a useful step in eliminating any impediment that could keep your plant back from reaching its maximum potential.

You're one of the lucky ones if you can say that tapwater doesn't affect your plants and you can actually DRINK IT! Seriously!