Bad ph problem


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so basically i just tested my PH because i was wondering why my plant did so bad all of a sudden. And the result was crazy, i was at like 5.something VERY acidic.

So i just figured id flush with molasses because molasses contain calcium and one of the drawbacks from acid ph, is the bad "ingestion" of mg and cal.

The result is really fucking bad, i made a mistake, i think molasses are making it more acidic. 3 Weeks into flower and the baby is all yellow D: im afraid to lose months of work and

i dont know if i should water alot with dolomite lime now, or i have to wait for the other watering even if that means in a long time, even if taht means possible death of the plant.....


Well-Known Member
Work a couple Tbsps of dolomite into the soil with a fork. She getting bloom nutes?. Could be K def.


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure it is Mg or Cal, im just hoping the watering i just gave her with the dolomite mixed in will do the job. She might be a bit overwatered(two waterings in 3 days..) which cant be worse than That ph problem no?


Active Member
5 "point something" is normal.... should be 5.7 for hydro and about 6.5 for soil (not sure about soil)..Molasses was a mistake as you do not even know what the problem is yet!..Need pics..and pics here first instead of listening to your friend before soluting.


Well-Known Member
I try to post at least as possible, this website seems secure, but the fact that i cant delete threads i make just makes me fucking nuts.