Bad Parent if you smoke/vape around your kids?


Well-Known Member
Never exposed mine to anything beyond beer, let them in on it when they were teenagers and doing things that scared me when they weren't with me, so we worked it out. I have great kids. A sunday school teacher, a carpenter and a loving mother of four. Yeah. Life is good.


Well-Known Member
I think it's bad. Smoking weed in front of a kid will influence the kid to smoke weed at a younger age. But then again it depends, my parents always used to say beer was nasty, and as an ignorant kid I just figured they were forced to drink beer and I was lucky to not have to drink beer.
Then comes the second hand smoke, needless to say that giving your kid second hand smoke is a very bad thing.
Just my opinion, :).


New Member
It is my opinion that we should not smoke around our children for the sake of mental development and cultural considerations.
First allow me to say I did not smoke marijuana until I felt that I had accomplished full puberty. (age 16) It was a conscious choice, I did not want to risk mental or physical underdevelopment. I still think it was a good call. My little bro chose to wait till age 18 for similar reasons. We both consider ourselves to be kinda half smart. (whatever).
in my extensive experience, people who's parents allowed them to smoke before age 12 are generally pretty fucked up and have really shitty lives. However marijuana use in those cases is generally a symptom and not a cause.

A little pot smoke, or wood smoke or cigarette smoke is not gonna harm any child (except allergic ones). But allowing psychoactive chemical compounds to enter a childs developing brain is a very sensitive matter. A childs developing brain is already flooded with massive amounts of psychoactive compounds. They're brains are developing at an astonishing rate. Any compound that is introduced artificially into that chemical soup is going to have effects on development is slowed or altered in an undesirable way it is unfair to the child and irresponsible of the adults who introduce any negative developmental traits into that matrix.
Now you might wanna argue pot is good and pot never hurt anyone and in some ways you might have a point.
But to those people I say, Stick a dart frog in it! lol!
Some native cultures in South America use dart frog poison as a ritual means to purge impurities from the body before hunting. This is fine and well for the hardened adults who understand in what they are partaking, but who wants to rub a dart frog on they're infant?
My point is this, ritual chemistry is reserved for those who choose to partake in it and should not be forced or imposed upon any one who cannot consider, knowingly, ones own path. (there are better words for that, like that whole sentence is one word..)
anyway I think I got the concept out there....