Bad news for Colorado

Someone must of bumped this because I see this was an old story. However, I like to chime in. I think pot had nothing to do with the violence but the guy was indeed consuming it. So what? He could of been smoking cigs too! Are cigs to blame for murders? He could of wearing the color blue that day. Does a blue hue trigger a murder? Everyone deals with shit, its how we handle it.


Whatever you do, pal, do NOT wear pink around me! I can't be held responsible for what might happen if I see you wearing pink tights, Mister! :o

Someone must of bumped this because I see this was an old story. However, I like to chime in. I think pot had nothing to do with the violence but the guy was indeed consuming it. So what? He could of been smoking cigs too! Are cigs to blame for murders? He could of wearing the color blue that day. Does a blue hue trigger a murder? Everyone deals with shit, its how we handle it.


The fact is with a tragedy like that you can't blame alcohol,drugs,cigs or water, etc...... That person already decided to do what they did,they Use the drugs and alcohol to block out their moral conscious of right and wrong this also is another way to justify their actions because they don't really want to admit they are fucked up in the head.
Anybody who kills someone is not of sound mind.

I disagree wholeheartedly. In defensive situations, especially those where my family/animals/friends might be concerned, I've got no issue with dispatching the offender(s) in any number of potentially gruesome ways, followed by a hot shower and not a minute of lost sleep.

I certainly don't consider myself insane or "not of sound mind", nor do the people in my life.
(Well, most of 'em don't, anyhow.... ;))

Neighborhood pedophile? Miserable sadist with a yard full of abused dogs? Incurable serial rapist? C'mon by, I'm glad to help you on your way right off the mortal coil!
If it's 'not of sound mind/insane' to wipe dog shit and/or crusted vomit from the sole of your shoe and discard it in the trash, then call me Mr. Insane!
Consider how many shooting tragedies of late, aside from the usual pimps and drug dealers

Could it be planned (many seem to be false flags) to scare the populace into voting to ban guns?

Sure seems like they have an agenda to weaken us more than they already have

See Agenda 21
Consider how many shooting tragedies of late, aside from the usual pimps and drug dealers

Could it be planned (many seem to be false flags) to scare the populace into voting to ban guns?

Sure seems like they have an agenda to weaken us more than they already have

See Agenda 21
sure, all the people who volunteered to get shot and died ...they're better at not breaking character than the assholes at colonial williamsburg or the Ren fair
Liberals want to blame everything but the person that commits these horrific crimes

It's not th guns fault it's not the drugs fault it's the damn person that makes the choice of their actions!

I guess personal responsibility is a foreign concept nowadays

Sorry bro but IMO you have it wrong,the morons you speak of are out there in force but they are not true liberals,when they cast aside common sense in favor of idiotic excuses they stopped being liberals & became radicals .

True liberals believe in assigning blame to the person who comitted a crime instead of creating a set of imaginary circumstances to assert blame on,I'm a liberal who would never dream of blaming a firearm for the actions of a murderer,I've found most liberals believe in the 2nd amendment.
Look, yet more stupid people trying to tell the rest of the world how to live.

That's all I hear anymore when a right winger pipes up and wants to tell me I shouldn't drink, smoke weed or do anything else that doesn't harm others. They don't have that right, no matter what their excuse.

Legislating morality and then criminally enforcing it IS IMMORAL.
Look, yet more stupid people trying to tell the rest of the world how to live.

That's all I hear anymore when a right winger pipes up and wants to tell me I shouldn't drink, smoke weed or do anything else that doesn't harm others. They don't have that right, no matter what their excuse.

Legislating morality and then criminally enforcing it IS IMMORAL.

Did you know there is actually 2 cases of marijuana " overdose " leading to the OD'd persons death on the books ?

I was amazed to see such stupidity where a coronor listed cause of death as Marijuana Overdose twice .
I believe it. While the actual overdose on it is not possible it is certainly possible for cannabis to be a cause of death. There has to be an underlying cause first though.
I believe it. While the actual overdose on it is not possible it is certainly possible for cannabis to be a cause of death. There has to be an underlying cause first though.

This isn't a politics thread & I don't want to hijack it & make it one so I'll leave the names out to protect the guilty ,if I mention a name the trolls will attack end mass .

A coroner had the Gaul to claim 2 men smoked MJ & went into a trance state & overdosed on weed,then while both were in a trance walked themselves to railroad tracks,then each mj trance guy laid themselves long ways on a railroad track,because the weed they smoked hypnotized them :lol:

I want to know what strain they smoked so I can avoid that shit ,being in a weed induced trance sounds like its no fun .

After outraged family paid for independent autopsy's it was found that smoking pot never caused an overdose,they died from over 50 stab wounds each,that's the only 2 recorded marijuana induced deaths ever recorded ,that'll scare the shit outta a bunch of square parents :lol:
Its amazing to me how so many still believe this reefer madness crap. My frustration is paramount, my disbelief immeasurable. Only thing to do is move to legal state which is so fuc!$n hard when wrapped up with family, job, etc

I doubt there's more than a handful of zombies left that still believe the reefer madness propaganda where you smoke weed & feverishly masterbate before going on a homicidal rampage ,its became an idiotic talking point for squares using the " pot leads to heroin " scare