Bad idea to cut off some fan leaves while 2 weeks in flower?


i was just changing the water in my res. and noticed some of the larger leaves were looking kind of "meh" so i chopped them off. they were a little large and also not letting a ton of light through. it was only a few leaves, but is this a good idea? i probably should have asked before i did it.

here's a link to another thread with my pictures from ealier today. any advice is welcome. thanks!


Well-Known Member
I clip them as soon as they show signs of old age as they're shading the younger healthier ones


Well-Known Member
it makes no sense, leaves are not as solid as they look. Light passes through the leaf and a small amount of the light(about 15%) interacts with chloroplast for the photosynthesis process, the rest keeps going on. so the whole this leaf is blocking light to other parts thing so cut them off doesnt make much sense if you think about it.