Bad growing advice

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I live in Northern Europe. Coconuts don't grow here. In order for Coco Coir to be used here it has to be shipped across the planet. This is not sustainable, especially when there is an abundance of locally, or at least in the same country, produced mediums available. There are plenty of reusable mediums too.

Don't even get me started on Bat and Bird Guano, that stuff should be banned outright.
Coco is really simple to recycle, re claimed from 8 root balls.
That's the 3rd time it's been used and recycled ready for the 4th.
Prolly grew one time ever when miracle grow was bashed on ten times more and he used it. Got skinned. And now thought he would come back and talk shit on MG. And backfired.
my 2 cents. Lmfao.
Coco is really simple to recycle, re claimed from 8 root balls.
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That's the 3rd time it's been used and recycled ready for the 4th.

I wish I had the time. I have two kids, one with special needs, and I work for myself. Good for you for reusing it.

I have discovered a place locally that produces and supplies compost locally. They have a contract with the council and take all of the local garden waste, compost it and sell it on at cost to locals. So all I drop all of my garden and grow waste in my compost bin and they will collect it and compost it. I can then just click and collect a fresh batch. There is a place up the road that does well composted manure for £2 a bag too.

I really wish I had the time and space to do my own living soil.

I haven't got a problem with coir, I just prefer to keep everything as local as possible.
Do you have any pics of your flowers?
I do, but go to frostiest buds for that. This thread is for the following content in descending order of importance:
1. cat pics and the occasional dog
2. Inter planetary shit composting and poop wee fetishes (I combined these two due to their similarities)
3. The interchange between the miracle grow police and myself.
4. My kids paternity.
5. Making fun of muddyballs MG plant.

sorry, my buds didn’t make the cut. Also, I will soon be changing the title of this thread so you don’t get confused looking around here for my buds.
I ran a Papaya clone in MG the beginning of this year for shits n giggles. It wasn’t the best grow in the world, but it also wasn’t a bad one. I don’t understand the hate, because you can grow cannabis successfully in MG.

Never said you couldn’t. I said it’s poor advice for a new grower. Big difference. Also nice plant.
I don’t think I was speaking directly at what you said to be honest, I was kinda speaking generally because most people knock it as you can’t grow in it.

That grow was the black bag of MG. I bought some cheap white bags at Costco for $6 and ran some of those with no issues either.
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