Bad experience. O.O


Active Member
Yo yo rollitup.. well im here to ask a quick informative question and hope to get some good knowledgeable answers.

Well here goes... Around few months ago I decided to try shrooms out,so I did (note:
it had mold on it but i asked a friend and he said it should still be ok) - I was doubting this as you all know mushrooms are a fungus and grow in many types of forms. But I went ahead and tried it i first take 1 of the heads of the shrooms (tasted like shit) probably made in cow shit or somethin. Then I took another shroom this time with the stem I took a few more and waited 45 mins.. Still no effect I then decided to go all out and downed the 0.8g of what was left.

Then after 10 mins I went to lie down.. Must have been for around 40 mins .. I then got up and I felt dizzy and I could not feel my body I seriously dunno what it was but when I tried to touch stuff and move its like i lost all sense of nerves. Even when i tried going back on the bed its like it felt really weird a feeling hard to explain the most I can explain it is a feeling where the body is (Numb,Senseless and fucked) - its like when u try to move ur legs on the bed your legs are so heavy it feels like ur pulling something within your body.

I hope yall and try and understand the feeling i got. I tried explaining it as good as I can.

The effect lasted 5 hours. I couldnt move because everytime i moved the feeling got worse. But when i stayed still the feeling wasnt active.

I came to the conclusion that the shrooms were either laced with poison or the mold had turned it into a poisonous mushroom.

Anyway I would like to hear yall views and opinions - this has gotta be the worst experience ever.. felt like absolute shit.. probably worse than a real trip.

Peace out.


New Member
you never ever want to eat mold/ mildew!!!! bad bad choice! that probably ruined your whole experience. along with feeling shitty from the mold and the major body buzz from the shrooms. never eat mold


Mold = bad c'mon.. But hey! I'd have eat em anyway. To be completely honest.. It sounds like you had a really nice body buzz and just couldn't handle it properly, Plus the fact that they had mold on them.. Who knows the effects that could have added, And it did have you a bit concered, Any worries, Sadness, Or any negative feelings in general can ruin the experience completely, So next time, I suggest you get some that have no mold on them, And make sure you're in a very very good mood. It's always nice to have a sitter the first time you try a hallucinate


Active Member
You sure thats a body buzz? Cos I did'nt have sense of nerves. Everything you touch and moves just feels fucked.. like no senses.

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
^yeah it really could have been the body buzz of shrooms.. To be honest i love tripping out... Just not on mushrooms, the body high is way to intense for me to handle, the body high generally sends my mind crazy.. And when you say mold, what do you mean? like blue spots or what?


New Member
Yeah shroom buzzes are intense. Dont underestimate it. Your body just had a adverse reaction to the mold. Your body just didnt know how to handle mold lol


Active Member
Its ok to eat shrooms that came from a substrate that contaminated if the fruits look fine, but if there is actual mold growing ON the shroom it is no good to eat! Try trpping on mushrooms again minus the mold.

midwest reefer

Well-Known Member
And make sure to have a friend around. Someone to verify feelings and sensations.
Its comforting to know your nor the only feeling what your feeling.


Well-Known Member
Its ok to eat shrooms that came from a substrate that contaminated if the fruits look fine, but if there is actual mold growing ON the shroom it is no good to eat! Try trpping on mushrooms again minus the mold.
Incorrect, the mycelial network is capable of drawing up pathogens from quite a distance away.