Backup Pump Power Supply


Well-Known Member
After growing in every type of system possible I have concluded that aeroponics is the best. Of course the Achilles heal being that if the pump fails everything u worked for is gone.

Anybody ever used a backup pump power supply? Otherwise known as an uninterruptable power supply, for PC applications.

Shopping around for one of these is like trying to buy a chiller for the first time...its a god damn enigma. Anybody have any experience?


Well-Known Member
r u guys f'in me around here? c'mon I know somebody got a backup up in here. Wat a good hydro grade backup?


Well-Known Member
I don't have any back up yet.
It's on my list.
I want a whole house natural gas generator for $2k
after 12 days without electric last year.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks earl for replying. Could you tell me more about these natural gas generators? I will be "googling", but I am sure your knowledge of these units is immense.

12 day outage in OH? wow thats wicked... Didn't have anything in the tubes then did ya?

well if Earl doesn't have it I guess only 1 or 2 of you might... I am looking more for a 3-5 hour backup UPS (power supply) mainly, but info on generators is interesting as well. UPS's as I understand it will stay on even if a breaker flips though. If a breaker switches and you are on a generator I guess the pump is still off. No? In my experience with older houses electricity can often be very hmmm creative...this is why i need one so bad. DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK TO FLOOD TABLES! :)


Well-Known Member
$300 pc backup's last around 25 minutes after power flips off. I was hoping there would be at most a $300 solution to a 2-4 hour power outage. I was wrong. Looks like you need to buy a commercial UPS to support long outages because they are mainly built to prevent untimely PC shutdown and subsequent data loss.


Active Member
Hi, I'm just beginning to read up on indoor growing and I saw your question about a backup power source.

What is it that you absolutely need to run during a power outage for your setup? Is it a water pump? If so, I had a homemade setup for an aquarium that worked well for me. You could probably adapt it somehow for your use if it is a water pump you need.


$300 pc backup's last around 25 minutes after power flips off. I was hoping there would be at most a $300 solution to a 2-4 hour power outage. I was wrong. Looks like you need to buy a commercial UPS to support long outages because they are mainly built to prevent untimely PC shutdown and subsequent data loss.


Well-Known Member
You may want to research car batteries for this purpose. You won't be finding a UPS with hours of juice for $300.

What's the kWh usage of your pump?


Active Member
What I did I think is much better than a gas powered generator, at least I think so, as there are no moving parts or hazardous liquids lying about or burning. Plus it is quiet/silent...

I got a small sump pump for a boat, you can get them with just about any GPH rating. Then I got a wheelchair gel battery and a trickle charger.

I used this in an aquarium, so when the power would go out, my main pump would also, so the water would rise in the reservoir. I had the sump pump sitting above the normal water level so as the water rose it would kick on the sump pump, powered by the wheelchair battery which was always kept fully charged when the power was on. The sump pump I have I think only draws like 1.5 amps or something, so according to the battery I got it would last for a couple days I think before it went completely dead.

The good thing is that if the power comes back on in an hour, then the main pump kicks back on, the water level drops, the sump turns off, and the trickle charger replentishes the battery for the next outage.
