Backbreaking labor.


Well-Known Member
Just got home from the hospital.

Diagnosis a bulging disc with muscle spasms.

Off work through the 12th.

Meds - hydrocodone, muscle relaxer, and steroid.

Gave me a steroid shot so I could drive home.

Reason for the visit - severely overworked with little to no rest/recovery time in between shifts.


Well-Known Member
Oh Save me Tom Cruise

What is it that you do .
Spent the weekend rearrange a warehouse, moving the table merchandise (drill presses, floor jacks, air compressors, etc.) to the floor, and straightening and organizing the warehouse backstock. 4pm - 4am Thurs-Sunday.

I also wash dishes at restaurant. Usually Work 4pm - midnight, and 5am - 2pm, usually T,W,T,F,S

and on Sundays it's band practice in the morning (means lugging around a 100lb bass rig and holding a 10lb bass around my neck for hours), from there it's dish until midnight... sometimes I get mondays off.


Well-Known Member
Just had shoulder surgery and I've already been off work for over 3 weeks, have about 8 more to go.

Would suck, except I'm on disability, and getting paid sick time and vacation time.

Just got a fat check in the mail from work, and waiting for another one from disability. Thinking about going to least I broke my left shoulder so I can still pull those slots with my right hand...haha


Well-Known Member
Just got a fat check in the mail from work, and waiting for another one from disability. Thinking about going to least I broke my left shoulder so I can still pull those slots with my right hand...haha
Share your misfortune by giving a fellow oil head an enail or a new oil rig, If you saw what ive been dabbing out of recently youd be in tears. ill never forget it. Pluys there Jamon Iberico in it for you......... just sayin....


Well-Known Member
Share your misfortune by giving a fellow oil head an enail or a new oil rig, If you saw what ive been dabbing out of recently youd be in tears. ill never forget it. Pluys there Jamon Iberico in it for you......... just sayin....
Enail is a little above my price point at the moment, but if you'd like a rig with a traditional nail/globe setup, I'll be more than happy to ship a little care package your way.

What do you prefer? 18.8mm? 14mm? 10mm? Quartz nail? Ceramic? TI?

Of course, you gotta show me a picture of what you're currently dabbin out of, so I know what I'm up against...


Well-Known Member
Dont push urself dude it aint worth it. My back is fucked bc i did in my 20s what ur doing now. Bulging discs can go back in herniated discs can not. If u keep it up you'll end up with a herniated disc and believe me u dont want one.
I have 5 herniated discs & 1 ruptured disc along with broken vertebrae, if i get desperate i can sell the titanium rods in my back for scrap weight :lol:

Your right about not wanting any herniations , my left leg has been on fire 30 yrs from the discs , any repetitive motion will make my discs bulge so bad the lumps are visable , bad part is if these kids dont work like that they wont work at all .


Well-Known Member
I have 5 herniated discs & 1 ruptured disc along with broken vertebrae, if i get desperate i can sell the titanium rods in my back for scrap weight :lol:

Your right about not wanting any herniations , my left leg has been on fire 30 yrs from the discs , any repetitive motion will make my discs bulge so bad the lumps are visable , bad part is if these kids dont work like that they wont work at all .
Absolutely correct. "No shortage of labor in this country...everyone is replaceable"...My boss must have said those exact words to the kitchen staff I work with at least 10+ times over the past 8 years I've worked there...WTF!


Well-Known Member
Welp... I no longer work at the hardware store.

Showed up for my shift at 5am, handed them the doctor's note and told them I won't be coming back. I still had a week left on my two weeks notice, but I'm not risking another injury just so I can show a courtesy that they don't really deserve.

Absolutely correct. "No shortage of labor in this country...everyone is replaceable"...My boss must have said those exact words to the kitchen staff I work with at least 10+ times over the past 8 years I've worked there...WTF!
Yeah, sad truth is that everyone's replaceable. Some people are harder to replace than others though, and that's the person you want to be. If you're one of those hard to replace people (which I've only worked with a small handful) then just tell your boss to eat it and just keep working like you always did.

If you can be easily replaced then work harder, and learn more so that they'll want to keep you around. The way I'm trying to work it at the restaurant is I want to finish my cook training, go through my server training, and still be primarily a dishwasher. Considering management are the only people who actively can do all 3.

Woot woot my chemical cocktail's kicking in.

4 vicodin, 3 muscle relaxers, and a steroid all on an empty stomach.

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
shit dude, join the club and welcome to a life "well I can't bend like that today"
fractured L3 vertebrae poking the disc between L2 and L3 & developing arthritis at 31 :(
Once the injury heals invest in a TENS machine, it uses electric pulse to help ease the muscle and helps alter the signal on the nerves causing the spasms. That little box did more for my pain & healing than any amount of opiates.
If you don't have one get a lifting belt even with holding the bass it will encourage a good posture and take some of the load off, only wear them for a few hours at a time you don't want your muscles getting lazy.
If it's the lower back light cycling will be a great exercise (when it's better), it allows you to be seated taking some of the load off your back whilst working the hip and pulling lower back muscles out of the tensed position they're in.
IMO ignore the hydrocodone unless your sleep is really fuct

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
If you can be easily replaced then work harder, and learn more so that they'll want to keep you around. The way I'm trying to work it at the restaurant is I want to finish my cook training, go through my server training, and still be primarily a dishwasher. Considering management are the only people who actively can do all 3.
You won't be waiting long for work with that attitude, your right about making yourself hard to replace and there's always enough lazy sh!ts around that a little initiative and want to learn will get you far


Well-Known Member
Enail is a little above my price point at the moment, but if you'd like a rig with a traditional nail/globe setup, I'll be more than happy to ship a little care package your way.

What do you prefer? 18.8mm? 14mm? 10mm? Quartz nail? Ceramic? TI?

Of course, you gotta show me a picture of what you're currently dabbin out of, so I know what I'm up against...
You know what i was just being cheeky but id gladly swap sumat with you. Whatever youy got you dont need its more than amazing trust man here in europe we are literally FUCKED for glass. The other day I met a glass Artist from america by the name of ELBO i was fucking impresssed with his work! Lol he wanted to mooch off my rosin and iu wanted to try his little dinosaur pipe. If id knoiwn he was as big as he was id have asked for his pipe as memorabilia.Any old thing u got will do i got nails man dont worry. All for 18mm. Think of sumat you might want im not sure i can ship food though? otherise id vacuum seal the shit out of some chorizos and stuff.