Back in the day, the first time i got caught smoking the ganja


This was a long time ago....So me and my friend were just sitting in my room enjoying a nice bowl to ourselves when my dad knockes on the door. I just kept telling him to go away because i didnt know how he would react stepping into my room and smelling the sweet sent of marijuana. My door was locked but he was getting pissed, he kept knocking the hell out of the door... After a while he left and then came back about five minutes later and said that he had ice cream for me and my friend and ofcourse my friend being the high idiot that he was he goes "omg... dude i totally want some ice cream". He said it loud enough for my dad to hear it so my dad just tells him to come open the door so my friend got up and opened the door..... I dont think i had ever seen him so pissed off before.. Well, theres my story of my first time getting caught

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member

The first time I got high my brother smoked me up. I was hella high and I remember eating a huge bowl of cookie crisp and laughing my ass off. Later we were in my bedroom listening to music and dancing and laughing and my mom comes in like "are you high?" Talk about a buzzkill. I don't remember the rest of that story...

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
I was in the Army. Station in CA. in 1971 before the Army crack down on drugs & alcohol. In a two man room, about 6 of us, Friday after work getting stoned. Now everybody left to go eat and I was opening widows. There was a knock at the door, not a good sign. It was my commanding officer! I worked for him! He wrote me up and kept it in his file. Then in about two weeks again Friday after work, we stoned, everybody was there this time! Knock on the door, yes it was the Commanding Officer with my letter and wanted a joint!!


First time, I was next door at my neighbors house where i used to hang out often (she was sooo hot)...i was like IN LOvE with this girl (I was 16, she was 14)...So she lights up a joint and offers me some, I was freaked out because I had never smoked anything before BUT I soooo wanted this girl to think I was i took a few tokes, and a few minutes later i was totally trippin on cloud 9. Wanting to share this experience with my best friend I picked up the phone and called him, when the phone picked up I started laughing and telling him how I had just smoked reefer with Stacey and i was sooo high...and "dude you gutta try this shit". About 1 minute later while i was still Gabbin on the phone, My mom walks in through Staceys front door with a phone in her hand (we litterally lived 3 feet from each other)...i was shocked, of course, but really realized the severity of the situation when I heard my moms voice both in the kitchen and on the phone...I had called MY number...not my buddys...DOH! I was completely about a buzzkill...
The first time I got caught was my senior year in 09. I had went to go take my A+ Certification exam(computer exam) and failed by like 90 points (that's a really close score). I was feeling a bit down and me and my friend Aaron went to go grab some Mcdonalds when our friend called and asked if we wanted to smoke. I said I'll think about it and ended up going along. Smoked a fat blunt of Sharks breath then turned around and went back to school. It was 6th period, which for me was home ec. The teacher was a short fat lady and was wearing this all deep blue suede outfit and I could not stop laughing. Half of the people in the room were more experienced stoners and knew exactly what happened. Soon the entire room was in laughter and in an uproar about blueberries. But I officially didn't get caught till study hall when one of the teachers noticed my shenanigans on the other end of the cafe. She told me to leave study hall from now on if I wanna smoke a doobie. I died laughing on the spot and went back and smoked another blunt.


The first time i was caught tokin it was at my job at bob evans and me n the other dishwasher are smokin a j while takin out the trash. all of a sudden my boss calls for the two of us to come from behind the dumpster to explain the smell.(Now the boss was cool but had a real nasty habit of firing people for stupid shit, but we were awesome and this was my first time in trouble on the job three months in). He tells us to follow him to the managers office he wanted to show us something. as were walking back to the door hes talking about how marijuana is not just about being cool and how back in the day it was used to bring people together in private, and how today generation is so adventurous in their smokin. Anyway we get to the managers office and he closes the door in the "Your Fucked" manner and about after we hear the door close he says "Oh yea and if you two are going to risk your jobs least make sure its the good shit" and he pulls out a nice eighth of kush, clocks us out and we go and toke up....Best Shinanigan of my senior year at work.


Active Member
The first time I got caught smoking: 13 years old.
I bought a $3.00 joint off a friend. Went into the woods and smoked the whole thing.
I didnt feel a thing after I was done. I seen 2 people I knew walking down the path so I told them how high I was (LIE), and rode my bike home as fast as I could hoping that it would help speed up the THC getting into my system. As soon as I walked in the door I felt it hit me. It hit me hard! I felt time slow down to a crawl and as I went to walk upstairs my legs got wicked short and bullegged and I had to crawl up them. As I lay in bed I thought I was gonna die. I could feel my heartbeat in my throte as my mouth was soooo dry and it was making this clicking noise evrytime my heart beat.
I promised God Ide never smoke again if He let me live. I did not like it at all. My mother came home and got me some water that I despretely needed and I explained the whole thing to her. She told me the same thing happened to her the first time she smoked, which made me feel better that it wasnt laced or was oregeno or something other than pot.


i got cought in 8th grade at school smokeing pot in the bathroom with 3 other girls my dad was pisses... it was his weed sorry dad


Active Member
hehehe, good one. I never got caught stoned (amazingly! well never red-handed anyways) but I used to keep all my bongs etc in a cuboard in my bedroom that had a lock. One day my mom found the key! And that was how the Spanish Inquisition started...