Back in the Closet... a 400 watt grow inside my closet, inside my DR60


Well-Known Member
day 11>
first set of 5 are showing
last set to develop, i plant to FIM the first set of 7......
lowering lights today 12" above plants


Well-Known Member
1 pot is greener and has more abundent growth..... the other 3 pots are growing, however the veins are a little red/purple kinda looking like rainbow chard.... not good wonder what this could be....


Well-Known Member
Day> 13 plants looking nice and green.... First set of 5 are out and first set of 7 are showng face, but will be Fim'd to hopefully create 6 main tops( I've done it b4).....


Well-Known Member
h20/no nutes
still a little purple in the stems but fading
plants will explode anyday now
gonna wait till tomo to juice them for the first time


Well-Known Member
Day 20>
not growing near as fast as my last grow
"last grow was NOT a mix of FFOF and LW, it had a layer of FFOF on the bottem and the top 6 inches that the seeds were planted into was LW"
Also the last grow did not show these fucked up problems on my plants...

However they are still noticeably growing every day


Well-Known Member
pics of growth and big ones are today
> notice in todays pics the stems on one plant are still purple....????
>pics pics pics



Well-Known Member
Day 23> yea man! I recently discovered another 2x2grower on YouTube, chikipollo1 is fucking awesome.. If u read this polloloco +rep for u br3h... And one more time , "yea man". Bahahaha


Nice grow Johnyutah. Its a small space with a 400, I will definitely be checking on this one.

Hope you dont actually live in Utah, ita a nice place but the laws suck!


Well-Known Member

so far I topped one plant in the back right and the other 3 were FiM'd at the first set of 7> to Expand I removed the first set of 7 leaves as soon as i could without damaging the first set of 5. The plant in the back that was, "topped,"and now has only 4 main stalks. The reason it was, "topped," is because I got too close when cutting out the first set of 7 and hit some of the first set of 5, sooooo I just chopped it all. The other 3 plants have 6 main Stalks.

Seriousness Time!!!

READ and Answer!!!!
On the plants the top 2 branches will eventually start to out grow much higher above the other lower branches. During my last grow i let the plants grow without topping or fimming or really even trimming; i put them into flower at 24 days and they grew into monsters. I mean monsters, I had 3 plants in each pot ( notice i now only have 1) and a few of the plants had to be beheaded during the 5 week of flowering!!!! because they were growing into the light. I pinched one about a foot dow and tied it to the side of my tent i thought for sure it was done, but it came back in just 3 weeks to be one of the largers yielders. so the thing i wanna know is should i pinch the tops now to avoid them outgrowing the bottom. I want to have 6 main colas beasting out of each plant and i want them all to be rather equal. i am only going to let them veg for another week, cuz any longer and my tent will be too crowded and on my last grow 20% of my bud was not super dense like i wanted and i think that 20% of wispy shit took away from the big fat ones. any way if anyone gets anything out of this and has a little advice, shoot away

I even thought about a trellis but like i said i want to start veggin in a week and they really don't need a trellis. this is a strong strain that can hold its weight.

I just have this image of 6 main cola'd plants with a big fat 2 finger wide stem and the plants are like barely 3 feet tall, def not over and ginormous nugs on them covered in tasty.

Pics> all 4 plants, look close 6 tops, tucking large fan leaves under bottem branches, another single shot



Well-Known Member
h3tti PiCs br3h....

>a little before and after. I tied down the top 2 main stalks.
>another plant(now notice the 6 "main" stalks)
> all 4

DAy 24> soil mix is 50/50 FFOF/LW with about 1 inch on the top of soil just LW STill just water and no nutes (except for the little bit in the beginning that has been leeching down every water), however i think the next juice will have the biomarine and not only will i spray it on the dirt but all over the leaves. This is how i have been watering the entire time, just soaking everything. I use a round up sprayer to water.

From what i have read, the nutrients inside of the fox farm soil can be used up in as little as thirty days. I am sure my plants have not yet developed root structures to use all of the nutrients and i have only been giving them about 1/4 gallon of water every time so the bottom is basically still airy soil; water does not drain out yet. They are in maxi pots and i have about 3 gallons of soil in each pot. The biomarine should help them start to use up whats getting active in the soil mix.

and if you are just reading this the plants are from seed day 1 in a cup of water and now 24. the seeds are from female plant that was pollinated by a herm from another grow and the strain is Sensi Seeds G13xHP Mr. Nice.



Well-Known Member
Day 26>
Plants took well to training and have started to fill in.
Did More training to stretch out the canopy.
Green rubber wire stuff is amazing.

Feeding> 1/2 gallon of h2o per plant
Nutrients> 2.5ml of Bioweed per gallon

Notes: Next grow i will you bio weed from day 1.


Active Member

Still following, love the setup - especially the square pots! Are you pleased with the training? How long before the ol' flip?