Back for round 2: Blue Satellite all organic grow, Indoor an Ouut


Well-Known Member
Ok Its January 19th time to start some seeds. Spring is on its way, well not really but still tons to be done before may. This year I have a lot in the works everything will be covered here. This is where I'm at now.

20 high quality cannabis seeds on a bed of fine organic medium slightly moistened ready to split.

6 will be Blue Satellite
6 will be Pi-eyed Piper, A local strain from a local breeder
8 will be random selection from a collection of regular

soil will be all organic, peat and coco coir based of my own recipe
If you like the results you see feel free to pm me I'm open to sharing.

for containers I will be using the recyclable grocery bags you get for 99C at Wal*mart
there cheaper than smart pots and come with handles. Please don't laugh if you do its because your jealous you didn't think of it first.

I will be starting them in the cheap plastic cups just like a lot of you do though.

Well folks that's all for now Ill be back with pictures and progress in a few days.


Well-Known Member
As of today all but 3 of the regular seeds have split open and are now in 18oz solo cup. I'm just waiting for them to break the surface now.


Well-Known Member
If your wondering what im using for light. I have an assortment of CFLs a 54w, a 42w, several 26w both 6500k and 2700k, and a few 13 an 15watters. the cabinet they are in currently, is about 4 1/2' tall x 4' wide x 2' deep. Temperatures stay between 72F and 80F and humidity usually stays in the 40% range. All Is going smoothly a rapidly out of 20 seeds only 2 have not cracked yet and of the 18 currently planted 10 are already visible and its only been 4 days. Although I am running cfl currently I wont be finishing these under them Im working on acquiring a 400w hps set. eventually I plan on running a cmh bulb, some will finish under this others under the sun.


Well-Known Member
Day 5 update:
18 seedlings, the last two seeds of the regulars didn't crack so I wrote them off as dead. So what I have now is 6 Blue Satellite, 6 Pi-Eyed Piper, and 6 random regular. This is what Ill be running with until I determine sex and cut clones. Here is the first headshots, shows about to start better grab a seat brothers.

blue satellite Random Regular Pi-Eyed Piper


Well-Known Member
Well got some surprising news one of the two seeds I thought was dead came up finally lol only 9 days behind but whatever.


Well-Known Member
Day 22
I'm down to 17 seedlings now, if you even want to call them that at this point. One of the RR was a dud from the beginning and was not doing much so it got cut and the other that popped up late was spent so no cigar there either. I did pop one bean from a bag of some good I got recently so we will see where that goes, It looks good so far. All the stems have split and shed there skins and all of the cotyledons have dried up and fallen off. Everything is doing well and being healthy I did leave for a couple of days earlier this week and they dried out on me and they got stressed so there were a few leave that got crispy but they are bouncing back nicely and I should be giving them there first feeding soon, transplanting by the end of the week and flipping the lights to 10/14 for 3 days then up to 12/12 till they show. That's all for now pics coming soon.