Back At It Again


Active Member
Have you been seeing moths yet? I'm planning on spraying the medi's next weekend now that their budding, the others will wait for now. Had company today and he likes the medi, you should add it to your grow for 2012, ready in early Sept and doesn't get too huge but has a good yield for it's size.
whats the best seed bank to get the medijuana from? or where can i find the little beans?


Well-Known Member
So much for that hose end sprayer for the spinosad lol! it was enough to cover only 3 of the plants! Lol gunna have to get the concentrate and spray some more!
Your gonna have to use it again & again, before the end of season. That's a lot of bottles of that stuff. The fogger might be cheaper in the long run, get the most out of each drop.

Good luck bro



Well-Known Member
yes it does Budologist. the spinosad works pretty good! compared to the hundreds ive found years past... last season when i first tried spinosad i it was less then 20 that i found and less then an ounce of damage. thats an exceptable loss, a couple years ago i lost almost a lb to caterpillar damage! shit pissed me off...
thanks im gonna check that out.

appreciate it man i've been tripping off those fucking caterpillers. they've already started attacking my leaves, i've found at least 3 or 4 a week.


Well-Known Member
IMG_2676.jpgHere's the way I buy my BT now. You can get over 20 gallons of finished spray out of this for 26 bucks. The liitle bottles of safer is like 15 bucks for 5 gallons of finished spray or so. Youy have to buy it online cause you can't get it over the counter in Cali without a permit from the county. IDK why? Cali is stupid as fuck when it comes to this kinda stuff.


Active Member
View attachment 1694006Here's the way I buy my BT now. You can get over 20 gallons of finished spray out of this for 26 bucks. The liitle bottles of safer is like 15 bucks for 5 gallons of finished spray or so. Youy have to buy it online cause you can't get it over the counter in Cali without a permit from the county. IDK why? Cali is stupid as fuck when it comes to this kinda stuff.
Ya thats way funny because its an omri listed product! most things that are organic products you dont have to have a chemical license to purchase it.


Active Member
:hump: Cant wait to start growing the medijuana next season!! There are some really great souls in this world!! You know who you are and MUCH THANKS too you sir! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol Thank you im flattered but im no pro buddy, ive only been growing for 6 yrs theres guys on here that have MUCH more experience than me. Been thru a lot of trial and error, and learned from it. also I give my girls a lot of TLC and did a lot of planning before starting my grow. as for your plant tho, shes looking good! Days are getting shorter but still not as short as you want to keep your girl in complete darkness... if i was you i would make a little black box that has no light leaks and put it in the shade under your awning or something. she should finish out real nicely after a couple more weeks!
ok, cool, thanks bro..


Active Member
sorry fellas a lil l late on the vid, but here it is! Enjoy! [video=youtube;Q7IDBbIEcCw][/video]


Well-Known Member
yo what size are those pots dawg? Im guessing you have holes under those boxes? And damn bro shits getting big lol real sick!


Well-Known Member
Great film, I have already seen it. Great footage.

That white netting is 'Hortinova'. I have a 300' roll on order.



Active Member
Im lookin into ordering some myself, went to the grow shop and they had 100ft for $120!!! i said screw that im goin online! found 328ft for $60!