Back at it again.. With the White W. Auto's..


New Member
Took a 4 day vacation - my plant sitter decided not to plant-sit. Came home to some thirsty girls yesterday evening, but I figured nothing bad would come of it. After watering (now about 40 hours later) they are still like this. They are on day 16 since germination. Any tips or advice to keep them alive and healthy, Im all ears.


New Member
Are you sure?? The longer they sit the more concerned I get lol. Let me take a pic of the new growth development, see what you think. I believe Im fuckin something up hard - As this is my first time. Lmao


Well-Known Member
Why are your lights where they are?
What kind of lights?
What medium is that peat and perlite mix?
How often do you water?
Do you know the pH of your water?
Is there a built in fertilizer in that medium?
Have you fed the plant anything besides water?
What's the temperature where the plant is?
Do you know your humidity?
Have you heard of our Lord and Savior, the Invisible Pink Unicorn?


New Member
I originally bought a blue/red LED full spectrum, but soon learned it wasn't enough light for them. But I read that 1 CFL bulb is good for 1 autflower seedling all the way to pre-flowering, as long as it's close enough. (Within 5 inches) - No built in fertilizers, all organic. Using liquid disolving fertilizer, seldomly, in small doses around every 3rd watering. I use the solution at 1/4 the recommended dose. I have kept my PH slightly below 6.5 the entire time, testing soil and water before watering.


New Member
Temp. Is hard for me to maintain in its current location, but I am switching the tent from the attic to my closet downstairs where there is an HVAC unit, in the morning. The temperature stays in ranges of 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, never outside of those. When downstairs, it will maintain 70. Humidity and airflow are good to go as well.


New Member
I have a small humidifier that keeps the tent at 55% moooost of the time. When I water the seedlings, I do not water them until there is runoff at the bottom of the pot. I've read and been told thats what I should do, but how the hell is that not over-watering?? Isnt that easy to do with Auto's? And the invisible pink unicorn is 110% a mystery to me - Im sorry brother.


New Member
-Trying to answer all of your questions cause I WANT THESE BABES TO LIVE-

I water only when I feel necessary. ( i.e The soil is visibly and physically dried out, or the pot is much lighter than post-watering weight) Ive read a lot about how they like airy medium's, and do not handle over-watering well. I honestly think it is from lack of nutes, but I just don't fackin know mane.