Back after 15yr hiatus, 4'x4' LED Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
So I have decided to start growing again after a 15 yr hiatus and this is where i stand so far. I have decided to use the following products,

1- 4'x4' Gorilla grow tent
1- Kind K5 Led 1000watt light
1- can 9000 carbon filter
1- 4" inline blower
1- 12 site Hydrofarm Ebb and Gro system
1- BlueLab Truncheon stick for EC/PPM
1- BluLab handheld PH meter
2- 9" recirculation fans
1- Humidifier

And I'm sure I'm forgetting a few things as well. I know what your thinking "get to the pics already!" So here they areimage.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
So by now i know the next question you wanna know "what kinda strains ya gonna put in that beauty" well here is your answer.

10- Cheese by Canuk seeds
1- Jack Herer by Canuk
1- Snowbud by Canuk

And here are the little ladies at 3 days old
I know in the pic there is 13 and i only listed 12 but unfortunately poor Bubba Kush didnt make it,rip.
Here are the girls at 9 days old
And a couple close ups
image.jpg image.jpg

Well guys there it is thats what i got and working toward a glorious road ahead. Any questions feel free to ask and if ya have suggestions I'm all ears considering its been 15yrs.
Hey Texas thanks for the input, so far everything has been staying at 76-79 degrees so I think it will be okay for this 4'X4' but definitely not the 8'x8'. Of course my ambient temps are around 75degrees as well so that really helps. But i will be keeping an eye on the temps and if i see them creeping, I will be upgrading, do you think the 6" is the way to go?
I'm a noob but I have a similar set up minus the led light but I have a larger tent (secret Jardin 60x60) and have not been able to grow more then 6 plants in it, 4 in my current grow. I already know I need to rearrange a bit on my set up and I must learn to train/thin my plants as my current grow with 4 takes up almost all of my tent. BUT my question is how are you able to grow so many plants in such a small space? Whats you plan with 12 in that space?
Sweet set up by the way!!
To be honest i have another 8'x8' gorilla tent that i have not setup yet, waiting on 3 more Kind K5 1000watt led lights that have been ordered so i really plan on moving some of them into the larger tent. But yrs ago i used to grow 24 in a 4x4 space and i would just flower them after a week or two of veg and just harvest a nice big cola per plant. I really want about 4 plants per 4x4 space so when I'm done with both tents i should be in the 20 plant range. By the way how do you like your SJ tent? They look nice in pics but havent seen one in person?
To be honest i have another 8'x8' gorilla tent that i have not setup yet, waiting on 3 more Kind K5 1000watt led lights that have been ordered so i really plan on moving some of them into the larger tent. But yrs ago i used to grow 24 in a 4x4 space and i would just flower them after a week or two of veg and just harvest a nice big cola per plant. I really want about 4 plants per 4x4 space so when I'm done with both tents i should be in the 20 plant range. By the way how do you like your SJ tent? They look nice in pics but havent seen one in person?

The SJ has been great, I was deciding between the Gorilla and SJ and both seemed to have a good rep so went with the little cheaper option. Material quality is excellent, zippers are excellent as well, frame is a bit weak on the top but I added 1x2 boards across the top (sitting on the top of the metal frame poles that were provided) very sturdy now.
Those LED's you have are extremely spendy, are they really worth it in your opinion? (or have you been able to form an opinion yet?)
Yeah they are on the high side of cost but they are supposedly up their with the best, but i cannot say wether or not they are worth it yet but i am damn sure hoping so,lol. I know what i used to get with my old 1000w hps and 600hps but the led is all new to me but i am really excited to give them a try. They offer 90day money back if ya dont like them so they basically give ya a run to try them so i figure what could i lose. Like i say fingers crossed, the penetration is amazing though.
Bet that up man, much appreciated! Yeah at least over here you can express your views a bit better, its unfortunate i like it there as well. Ah well can't win them all.

Anyhow things are looking great, will be posting some pics a bit later. Once again glad to have ya along for the ride.
Hey Reain thx for joining the journey,great to have ya along!
I just got home with some supplies for my co2 ring construction so I'm about to do that. Afterwards I'll get some pics up of what I did . Man I tell ya i can not wait for the next 2-3 weeks to go by so we can finally see some flowers! Thats why we are all here right!,lol.
Yeah C.M. they got you down as on vacation... lol and whole thread deleted. It's a shame you can't grow with what you want and post pics of the light or even say what it was. I got a warning pm for bieng a smart ass and posting what I thought. Maybe I'll learn the format here and stay for a while. Gotta finish up my journals there first. I do have a nice CBD plant I plan on Journaling. Anyways, hope your grow continues going strong and if you need anything just holler at me!
Yeah thats crazy GB80, I agree they were being a bit to much with it. Nothing I posted was any different then here and nobody is censoring what products I use here. Anyhow the format is a bit different here but i am getting used to it, and it also seems like a bit more interaction as well, all i wanna do is GROW and share the experience. Also GB80 definitely do a journal here as well on that CBD plant, I would love to tag along on that as well. Here's a little update pic,
Just so everyone knows they look a bit yellow in the pic but I can assure all they are nice and lush green! Lol