baby seal bud


Active Member
I'm sitting at home tokin' and pondering the age old question of growing weed.

Candlewax is an excellent CO2 source. Would burning plenty of candles be an adequate light source for growing of the Marijuana?

We would ofcourse want to be organic about this, so naturally we make our own wax. Since an excellent source of wax is baby seal fat, we would set up a base of operations in Greenland and join a native hunting tribe in the clubbing of baby seals.

The growhouse itself would be set up in an igloo with a heap of burning baby seals in the middle. Discression and smell won't be a factor because let's face it we're in Greenland.

But then I start thinking of how exausting the practise of clubbing baby seals must be while stoned,

So let's face it everybody this is a really really really bad idea, however, if somebody is up for it, I'm in. At the end of life, isn't it just all about having a good story and someone who want's to listen. I'd listen to a story that started with:

"So there I was in greenland clubbing some baby seals, to grow some weed, in my igloo"

Man this is some good weed. Bet baby seal bud is better though.


Well-Known Member
you've obviously invested a lot of time and thought into this.

therefore i am in!

however, clubbing seals will take too long.

fortunately i have some rocket propelled grenades handy FOR THIS EXACT SCENARIO! They all said i was mad, who's laughing now.....


Active Member
you've obviously invested a lot of time and thought into this.

therefore i am in!

however, clubbing seals will take too long.

fortunately i have some rocket propelled grenades handy FOR THIS EXACT SCENARIO! They all said i was mad, who's laughing now.....
I thought about using heavy explosives in the harvesting of baby seals. However when using hard explosives you might blow through the ice, and the seals will sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Now deep see diving in the Artic is a perilous thing, but probably also one of the most awesome things one can do while baked on baby seal bud.

We could go with that, or the probably easier way is to use either bow and arrow or light artillery to round up our baby seal fat harvest.

We could also experiment on scene with ways to kill these fat animals, for example electric chairs and gas chambers. All re-sized to fit baby seals properly ofcourse.


Active Member
I would fucking cry if I was stoned trying to bludgeon a baby seal to death.
You would cry more if you didn't do it an didn't get any weed.

and let's not forget that these are fierce creatures that will murder your children in their sleeps.


Well-Known Member
One of the many reasons I don't live in an igloo. If a seal comes after me and my son, I think I get bigger problems to worry about, since I live in the tropics...


Active Member
One of the many reasons I don't live in an igloo. If a seal comes after me and my son, I think I get bigger problems to worry about, since I live in the tropics...
I really do think you underestimate the element of surprise when a malicious baby seal sneaks up on you.

Since you do live in the Tropics you probably have sun, and therefore no need for baby seal wax to grow weed. It is unlikely that the baby seals consider you a threat, yet.


Well-Known Member
I thought about using heavy explosives in the harvesting of baby seals. However when using hard explosives you might blow through the ice, and the seals will sink to the bottom of the ocean.

Now deep see diving in the Artic is a perilous thing, but probably also one of the most awesome things one can do while baked on baby seal bud.

We could go with that, or the probably easier way is to use either bow and arrow or light artillery to round up our baby seal fat harvest.

We could also experiment on scene with ways to kill these fat animals, for example electric chairs and gas chambers. All re-sized to fit baby seals properly ofcourse.
dude..... you think of everything!

there's me wanting to blow up half of Greenland with explosives, only to lose the baby seals as they sink lifelessly to the bottom of the ocean.

just in case a situation like this arises we will have to have the equipment handy to deal with it swiftly and effectively.

you say it can be "Perilous" diving in such conditions. does this mean a pair of swimming goggles and a little pair of speedo's isn't enough? because that's pretty much all i was going to bring with me.....

as for weaponry..... the bow and arrow sounds plausible. we can act swiftly, catching them off guard... yes.....yes.....

i'll also start drawing up the blue-prints for the "baby seal sized gas chambers/electric chair". ive built very similar contraptions in the past that have been very successful.


Active Member
dude..... you think of everything!

there's me wanting to blow up half of Greenland with explosives, only to lose the baby seals as they sink lifelessly to the bottom of the ocean.

just in case a situation like this arises we will have to have the equipment handy to deal with it swiftly and effectively.

you say it can be "Perilous" diving in such conditions. does this mean a pair of swimming goggles and a little pair of speedo's isn't enough? because that's pretty much all i was going to bring with me.....

as for weaponry..... the bow and arrow sounds plausible. we can act swiftly, catching them off guard... yes.....yes.....

i'll also start drawing up the blue-prints for the "baby seal sized gas chambers/electric chair". ive built very similar contraptions in the past that have been very successful.
If you have balls of darkmatter a speedo will suffice, goggles won't be needed.

We must now do some reconnaissance with the local tribes in Greenland and prepare for a battle over hunting grounds.

Also I've been told that hunting baby seals is best when the Northern Lights are showing, as this phenomena confuses the beasts and leaves them very susceptible slaughter. Just another thing we have to have in mind.


Well-Known Member
If you have balls of darkmatter a speedo will suffice, goggles won't be needed.

We must now do some reconnaissance with the local tribes in Greenland and prepare for a battle over hunting grounds.

Also I've been told that hunting baby seals is best when the Northern Lights are showing, as this phenomena confuses the beasts and leaves them very susceptible slaughter. Just another thing we have to have in mind.
speedo it is!

fighting local tribes i can do. but i just did an image search on google for "baby seal".

after analysing the picture for a while i realise that this will be a much harder task than i anticipated.

on paper the whole idea seems so do-able.

but are you positive (i mean 100% sure) that we don't need explosives? i just can't see how a bullet/bow will be able to even penetrate them?



Active Member
speedo it is!

fighting local tribes i can do. but i just did an image search on google for "baby seal".

after analysing the picture for a while i realise that this will be a much harder task than i anticipated.

on paper the whole idea seems so do-able.

but are you positive (i mean 100% sure) that we don't need explosives? i just can't see how a bullet/bow will be able to even penetrate them?

I do admit that these are fierce creatures. I think we should consider using napalm for the first strike, during the full moon and the northern lights. As the fight progressess we will have to switch to broad swords as primary weaponry. These baby seals are going down, berserker style!


Well-Known Member
killing baby seals is illegal
so is smoking pot!

which i guess is the reason you are here? if you have smoked marijuana you have committed a crime, why not another and another.....

We have a dream, is merely a cloak to disguise what's really going on here....

here's the plan in full

people who register here obviously like to grow and use marijuana. when you signed up you accepted the terms and conditions of the website, did you not?

when you ticked the box saying that you have read and understood the rules did you understand you are also signing up as an aid to Dragan and myself? or did you miss that part?....

we know you pot heads will do anything to get your next "fix". which is why you will help us. As payment for your service you shall recieve a weekly ration of baby seal bud.

what we are doing is raising an army capable of anything that we command. we will build a baby seal killing-candle making-marijuana growing empire bigger than any that currently exists in the world today.

The time of baby seals is over...... the time of baby seal bud is about to begin....

thank you