Well-Known Member
Says the pot grower in love with the head prohibitionist.
and what a prohibitionist he is!
a record number of dispensaries, more medical states than ever before, and two recreationally legal states that are on track to proceed as their voters dictated with no federal interference!
what a shitty prohibitionist, guess we should have voted for ritt momney instead.
No, but title II attempts to do something that is prohibited by the 14th amendment. Equal protection under the 14th amendment could mean that the government is supposed to PROTECT a persons right to use their private property in the way that they choose. Which would include the right to open a business, not open a business or run the business as they see fit, not how you or I would have them run the business.
What title II does, aided by an expansion of the bogus "interstate commerce clause" is not protect a persons right to determine the use of their property, instead it dictates how it will be used. How does dictating what a person will do with their property "protect" the rights of property ownership?
It seems that the 14th amendment and title II might be at odds.
Note: This comment is authorized in THIS thread due to the inter thread converse clause.
title II and the equal protection clause are the opposite of "at odds".
if you have a business that is open to the public, you can't say "oh, well, it's not open to THAT part of the public" because it causes harm to others. your rights end when they cause harm to others.
and before you open your historically challenged pie hole, the harm to others is not some esoteric notion, it is historically and empirically documented.
if you don't want darkie in your hotel or restaurant, there is a simple solution: call it a private establishment and do not advertise that you are "open to the public".