B.M.O? Blue Mountain question?


Well-Known Member
SMPPRO why are you hijacking my thread whats up with you buddy!!! This thread is concerning BMO nutes only I didnt ask for help on Ca/mag. I care less about that article you posted. Most of that info I already know. Guys didnt you all know that Grow it Green already has CA/Mag. It has Coral Calcium, and unsulphered Molases a source of magnese. And so does the Super Plant Tonic. Why even bother buyin CAl/Mag when BMO's Nutes already has it.
Sorry there buddy! Yes you were talking about BMO and jerry commented
I also use Botanicare Cal-Mag+ with every feeding, and I think it's crucial to use a similar product if using BMO.
. Sorry if i thought it might be relevant, i understand, some peple dont like discussion. Ill stay out unless i have anything specific to say about how to feed a plant with BMO.
Sorry there buddy! Yes you were talking about BMO and jerry commented
. Sorry if i thought it might be relevant, i understand, some peple dont like discussion. Ill stay out unless i have anything specific to say about how to feed a plant with BMO.
True and its not even anbout that it is irrelevant bcuz BMO already has Cal/Mag. You problably never read the label close enough. And Jerry I dont know if yuu know this either.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
True and its not even anbout that it is irrelevant bcuz BMO already has Cal/Mag. You problably never read the label close enough. And Jerry I dont know if yuu know this either.
While BMO has organically derived calcium and magnesium, I feel it is not enough to sufficiently support cannabis growth. My plants are much healthier now that I use it with every feeding.


Well-Known Member
True and its not even anbout that it is irrelevant bcuz BMO already has Cal/Mag. You problably never read the label close enough. And Jerry I dont know if yuu know this either.
I have been trying BMO with R/O and I am seeing the same problem, looks like a cal mag problem. Coral calcium provides some cal and the molasses provides a touch of cal mag but it is not enough if you are using R/O. I have been supplementing more blackstrap, putting dolomite lime in my R/O jug and letting it raise the PH to about 6.6 in hopes that this will add some more and it seems to be helping.


I've been using the BMO stuff for a couple of years and I agree, cal-mag is needed throughout the grow. I use 5 ml per gallon of cal-mag, every other week with my gig or fp, and all my girls like it. I also have experimented with up'n the recommended mixing doses. One extra teaspoon (5 ml) per gallon of water, of either gig or fp does not cause issues, and helps fatten up my ladies. I've done this on most of the strains I've grown, and only burned the tips on a real sensitive blueberry strain. Other than that, cal-mag and up'n the doses has worked for me.


Im thinking about getting BMO line Right now...so cheap...has all the goodies that the pros talk about in their "super soils, and Orgainc Teas"
Here is a tea that is typical and works good-For the tea...-
I use 2/3 cup of
Peruvian seabird guano
Jamaican bat guano
Worm castings.
5 tbs of maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract.
This is the dry mix.
I use 2 cups of the dry mix to every 5 gal of water.
I put this dry mix in panty hose to make the "tea bag"
I also add 5 tbs of liquid karma
5 tbs blackstrap molasses.
Mix into 5 gallons of dechlorinated water.
I let it brew for 24hrs and then use.
This is the flower mix I use with every watering. The veg mix is the same except for 1/3 cup of each and instead of jamaican bat guano use Mexican.
and here is a super soil mix (via subcool)-

8 large bags of high quality organic potting soil with coco and Mycorrhizae
25-50 lbs. of organic worm castings
5 lbs. of Blood meal 12-0-0
5 lbs. Bat guano 0-5-0
5 lbs. Fish Bone Meal 3-16-0
¾ cup Epsom salt
1 cup Sweet lime (Dolomite)
½ cup Azomite ( Trace element)
2 Tbs. powdered Humic acid
*** If using an RO system add in 1/2 cup powdered Cal/mag

This all seems to show up somewhere in the BMO line up..... Can somone post some results with BMO on here????