<b>17 hrs left to ask your president about legalizing marijuana</B>


Idk if the live feed will work on here.
Listening to his answer, it sounds like he is no different than any other politician. It sounds to me like his idea is to have marijuana users "healed" through "rehad". Sound workable? Huh, guess he is part of the problem still. As long as we let these clowns create policy...we will have the long arm of an ignorant government attempting to force their "rules" upon us.

Mr. President, your answer = FAIL. Thanks for your time.
No live feed. The audio of the selected question and his answer can be found at NORML's site.


Don't expect to hear too much that has not already been said by President's past. Also, the question (as asked) did not center on Cannabis. It was broad in that the person asking refers to ALL drugs. I know there were questions that could have been selected that focused solely on Marijuana prohibition. You can figure that he would never select one of those as that pointed sort of question does not allow for double speak.
at least this time ther wasn't a crowd of giggling jackass behind him that all snicker when someone brings up drug policy. But yea still the same answer, sounds like he was almost parroting john walters, or his ilk "saying it was a public health concern" or something.

of course the question was carefully selected, its easy to refute something when you lump it all together with a bunch of bad shit.

I think the debate needs to be in the top headlines, right next to gay rights or DADT. shit has ther ever been a day you don't hear about the poor gays not being able to marry? who the fuck cares no ones arresting them or raiding their house for being gay. people would say its their constitutional right to whatever the fuck they want in their own house.

but with cannabis, ignorant people prohibitionists or people that don't care just don't see that it should be a constitutional right.

people are slowly waking up, we're gaining numbers, but this just isn't happening fast enough.
He can push to decriminalize it on a Federal level though, which he is NOT DOING. Instead, he is running along with the usual suspects (the big backers of the "war on drugs") and leaving it lumped in with Heroine, Cocaine, PCP and Meth. Those drugs do have profound impacts on the quality and type of life one lives. Weed is nothing like any of these and he should know this. He has access to the same data we have.

Congress and Senate can take whatever ill conceived stance they want. They are wrong, but it seems like no-one with any chance of changing anything wants to look them in the eye and say it. I seriously do not think he has a chance at a second term, so he might as well be the one to do it. The other candidates that run on a sensible platform do not seem to stand a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected. We are left with an R (which will be more of the same) or a D (that seem to be spineless on the issue).
If he gets re-elected i think it might be address. big if.

That is a big if, but anything can happen. My hope would be that if he realizes that he will not get the vote, that he can make it a last second priority and at least attempt to decriminalize. He could make this a directive. We will just have to see.