Azamax soil drench as preventative help??


Active Member
Hey guys so on my last time I had a pretty bad infestation of spidermites, so I picked up amzamax, garden safe insectisidal soap, Monterey Spinosad Organic Garden Insect Spray, and Pyrethrin Spray. But my question is when using azaamax as a soil drench (1 tbsp. per gallon) in Hempy Buckets do I add the azamax with other nutrients or just put it in plain ph'ed water after I have put in the nutrient water? Also, if I am using this as a preventative measure should I do the soil drench once a week?
I haven't but Ill do some research on it, because I agree after my first purchase of azamax, its very expensive! With avid is it the same thing with a soil drench for preventative measures as azamax? I add the avid to nutrients for the soil drench or just plain ph'd water? And just do the soil drench once a week (im a little confused on how often to do soil drenches for preventative measures)??
Interested ina response to this as well. I have avid but doesn't say anything about using as soul drench actually says not to use in irrigation water but idk. I have used azamax with good results before.
hey drgreentm have a quick question for you then.... With Azamax and soil drenches my booklet that came with the azamax said for one gallon to give 1 tbs every 10-14 days, now I don't have spider mites or any fungus gnats but I want to use this as a "preventative" measure and was wondering will this do the trick at this ratio? Also, you stated you have used azamax before and i was wondering when you used it as a soil drench did you combine the azamax to other nutrients or to plain ph'ed water?
I used half recommended strength when I had spider mites and I can say it didn't work well as a spray I actually used it for my clones as a soak, I essentially made a batch and once clones where rooted in rapid rooter ready for transplant I would dunk the whole plant it solution and transplant as per normal. Didn't see mites after that. As a soil drench I would start at half tbs per gallon with no nutes in phd water every 10-14 days as recommended, if the still come hit with full strength.