Good day all, new member and just joined up coming all the way from Cape Town. Not a stranger to forums but have been absent from any for a few months while I've been getting my new setup going.
Pat is ready to have some fun and be my crazy self.
Have a blessed day!
Eeehhh buddy from Canada! LoL thanks for the greetings my man appreciate it. I'm ready to start a journal but still trying to get use to this forum atm, looking lovely so far. Do you have a journal I could follow or do I need some things before that?Hey from Nova Scotia ( its in Canada eh) waaaaay frig north of you.welcome, I look forward to your input.
Eeehhh buddy from Canada! LoL thanks for the greetings my man appreciate it. I'm ready to start a journal but still trying to get use to this forum atm, looking lovely so far. Do you have a journal I could follow or do I need some things before that?
LoL yes it isIs South Africa dank?
Jirre jissisWC is dying from this drought. They caught a few okes last year had a massive setup and using too much water. LoLfokken hel
The Western Cape is like its own planet.
Nah doubt the ouens will actually do it. We must move to Zimbabwe they legalised a few days back. Lmao. I'm quite lucky I have two 2200L tanks ready to useYeah, there was no way I could repeat the last grow.
It used more than the water quota for my whole house
Hey, there is like 10 months left for gov to make those changes to the law... Bet they are going to sleep right through it.
Salute bru, LoL yeah the drought is bad we had a bit of a flood the other day with good rain so I was happy about that. Have a blessed day bruHowzit bru. Love SA. Fukked up with the drought situation....heard it rained on Thursday. Praying for a rainy winter for you all.