Awwwww! Please help!


Active Member
So the worst thing happened that could possibly happen. I went out of town for three days so I had a friend stop by to check on my plants...which are about two to three weeks from harvest...but she never came by and the power went off. I am not sure if it slowed down the timer changing the light cycle or if the lights never came back on at all. The veins of the leaves on the top of my babies are now yellow and burnt looking and some of their tips have turned purple (???) Some large fan leaves are drooping and turning very light green and yellow! Should I just prune them early or wait it out and hope for the best. Awww this is terrible! :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


Well-Known Member
I have no idea but I wold lean towards just getting them back on 12/12 as they probably aren't ready yet. Hopefully someone with more experience can tell for sure. How do the buds look?


Active Member
a few of the buds look a lot more mature that when i left. more orange hairs and darker trichomes. thanks for your reply!


Well-Known Member
Near the end of flower leaves will yellow.(hard without pics to tell) I'd throw them into 24 straight dark and try to re-establish 12/12 after... total dark isn't bad like light during dark period.. As for purple that can happen with lower dark temps... purple strains require lower temps during dark... Luck..


Active Member
thanks twisty! that definitely makes sense. i am strapped for time right now but i will post pics tonight. so dark for 24 hours then back on 12/12?


Well-Known Member
You see a lot of "power was off, plants in dark stuff..." but that just slows them a bit... once they get back on schedule they seem fine.. I've just started my 1st inside myself, but have read a shit load, and they all say just go back to normal cycle after some dark... and oh yeah...DON'T trust untrustworthy friends... if they don't rat you out..they piss on your parade.... Let me know later how it comes out... don't want to spread bad advice and all that... :)


New Member
Stems tell all. Purple stems are SOMETIMES a sign that there is a lack of phosphorus. Possibly a nute lockout or a lack of proper nutes. Most times the purple stem is basic genetics. I wouldn't worry about it. But the yellow veins are a sign of the lockout. If you can post pics, I know for sure RIU members can help you out. Good luck!


Active Member
thanks guys for your are some pics
please let me know what you think...they looked perfect before I left and this is what i came back to. their are signs of what look like both nute burn and nute deficit on the same plant.



Well-Known Member
Stems tell all. Purple stems are SOMETIMES a sign that there is a lack of phosphorus. Possibly a nute lockout or a lack of proper nutes. Most times the purple stem is basic genetics. I wouldn't worry about it. But the yellow veins are a sign of the lockout. If you can post pics, I know for sure RIU members can help you out. Good luck!
im agree with you the lack of phosphorous or proper nutes can make purple the steams. don't count on the genetics - i did and got disaopointed, the potency of the plant was low as hell, nice aroma and taste but poor, 10 min. lasting high
on the pix ur budz look nice
the upper leafs look ok
but the top ones look like u burn em a little :)
it is natural 4 them to go a little yellowish in this stage but there is some kind of burn i think
good luck

Mr Minger

Active Member
Two or three weeks? Those buds look nearly ready in the pics!

Looks like a lack of Phosphorus to me... with that many dark hairs on the buds the leaves are hardly doing anything now as the plant is going all-out on finishing off the buds.

Personally I wouldn't worry, just make sure the lighting is right and use no more nutes.


Active Member
Thanks guys! Phew! I feel much better now! I am not worried that they are not getting enough nutes because i was really on top of that...i stopped using the nutes a week ago. I thought they were ready to go a couple weeks ago then new buds starting forming on the bottom of the plants. Can I prune the tops buds and keep flowering the bottoms? Thanks again!