Aww Shit! i got mites.


Well-Known Member
i just found them last night. it's not out of control, but pretty bad. This is my first grow. i'm going on the 2nd week of flower. i'm going to to to my local hydro shop to get some spray today.. 5th season is awsome by the way.. whats the chances thesed little mother fuckers come back? the dude told me the spray will get rid of them, but use neem to prevent. Is this set back going to fuck my first time up?


Active Member
No, you should still be ok, just make sure to clean the ENTIRE area with bleach and water before the next grow op.


Well-Known Member
it's called Rotenone-pyrethrins. Is a consintrate. it was $20 bucks but you add a tbl spoon to 1 gallon. And you get 16 oz. I got it from thr dro shop yesterday. Dude told be to hose my pants off first to knock the little fucks off. but i'm just going to use a sponge and wipe the bottoms of the leaves. Spider mites hate cold and wet. So i made my spray up last night and put it in the fridge. I have it in the frezer now and i'm going to wait till theres chunks of ice in it then i'm going to iraticate those little mother fuckers.. Use the spray for a few days then start using neem oil, to keep them from comming back.... hope this works.


Well-Known Member
don't use bleech its not as safe use half water half rubbing alcohol (not the green kind) and spray the plant you wont have to worrie about the alcohol hurting your plant because after it gets the fuckers or cleans the spots where your attack was the alcohol evaporates good luck


Well-Known Member
did you read the thread? or just through your 2 cents in? Thanks for the info but not what i'm looking for, but thanks really

don't use bleech its not as safe use half water half rubbing alcohol (not the green kind) and spray the plant you wont have to worrie about the alcohol hurting your plant because after it gets the fuckers or cleans the spots where your attack was the alcohol evaporates good luck


Well-Known Member
yea i read it but i wanted to tell you that beacause not only will it help get rid of them but they wont come back if you use a week after destroying the lil fucks


Well-Known Member
them comming back, might be an issue. i'm g-ing in the closet and it is not sealed. plus my summer clothes are in there. but the big issue is that my roomates are nasty mother fuckers.. one dude is a doctor and has plants (of the non weed kind) all through the house and you can just see the spiderwebs all over them. I'm not paying $27 a can to bomb the whole house. i just need to be carefull i guess and change clothes and use the Neem oil. other than that,idk


Well-Known Member
Add some 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to your water and it will also kill off the larva that are in your soil and won't hurt your plants. Those larva feed off of your roots. Try 1oz per gal seeing as they just showed up.


Well-Known Member
lol kill the other plants fuck what he says man dont take the chance

It's his house. or else dem bitches would have been

I wiped under the leafs. then took the Pyrethrins spray out of the freezer it was nice and ice cold. ( well i made a gallon then transfered to a spray bottle, after the freezer). So they got wiped, sufficated and froze and wet, 4x the death... i will do this for the next 4 days them start the Neem oil. If that don't work i just through a friggin hand granade in there.


Well-Known Member
Add some 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to your water and it will also kill off the larva and eggs that are in your soil and won't hurt your plants. Those larva feed off of your roots. Try 1oz per gal seeing as they just showed up.

I heard this adds oxigen to the soil too, i'll have to get some and try it out. I use the spray (from 1st page) on the top of the soil also.


Well-Known Member
Add some 3% Hydrogen Peroxide to your water and it will also kill off the larva and eggs that are in your soil and won't hurt your plants. Those larva feed off of your roots. Try 1oz per gal seeing as they just showed up.
spider mites don't lay their eggs in soil, but on the underside of the leaves.
I'm not saying its the best, but all I've ever used is NEEM OIL, never lost any plants to insects/bugs yet, I've put it on plants as young as 15 days old mixed weak, like one tea spoon per gallon. I could be just lucky , but I've always kept a spic n' span grow area wiping down the walls,ceiling,floor,door with a bleach soaked rag, I'm sold on NEEM OIL, and supposedly its non-toxic, and Jorge Cervantes says in his book that if you use it mixed into your watering, that the roots will soak it up and it will grow into your plant where it will last 30 days "within" the plant, but I still prefer the spray down method, spraying all over, under the leaves especially.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input. yea, i seen eggs under the leafs and sprayed the top of the soil. After 1 day my mites are gone. Neem is good to prevent the little assholes, but as far as kill them and eggs I used the Liquid Rothenone-Pyrethrins spray that was recommended by the guy at the Hydro shop (5th, I been to there store in Carrborro it's awsome). It was a good investment. Plus, the guy knew what i was up to and understood i didn't want anything harmful to consume-ables. In the next few days i'm going to switch to Neem to keep the spider mites from coming back. I hope this helps people like me that are new to growing.