Awkward seedling. Toss it?


Active Member
I have a seed about 8 days from seed and it looks kinda funny. instead of the leaf growing straight out from each other. They are really fat and one is growing at a weird angle. Just curious if this means it will grow funny all through the grow. I'm not expecting straight answers, just curious if anyone has had anything similar happen. If it is going to I just want to know so i can toss it and start a new seed up. Thanks

P.S. Can't post pictures sorry :( no camera.


Active Member
Might as well keep it. Just cuz it looks funny doesn't mean its not healthy and won't produce decent bud. No sense in tossing just for that :P


Active Member
All right guys thanks for all the comments :). I just have a limited time window and i want to utilize it. + rep 4 ALL!!!


Active Member
All right guys thanks for all the comments :). I just have a limited time window and i want to utilize it. + rep 4 ALL!!!
so did you keep it or cut it cause even with a short time frame if you just let it grow with others it will just be the runt and from most peoples experience the runts usually end up awesome