Awesome Show to watch while stoned to the bone.


Active Member
If you haven't seen superjail it comes on adultswim like around 3 and just reall later usually.

If you have limewire/frostwire or something go to and you can download the whole first season.

Also if you dont feel like downloading at first go to youtube and just type superjail then trip the fuck out while your baked.


Well-Known Member
Funny stuff is always good, but sometimes I like to stimulate the intellectual in me so I watch the History Channel and shows like "The Universe". If you don't realize your huge insignificance in the big picture already, that show will put you in your place. lol


Well-Known Member
Funny stuff is always good, but sometimes I like to stimulate the intellectual in me so I watch the History Channel and shows like "The Universe". If you don't realize your huge insignificance in the big picture already, that show will put you in your place. lol
i couldn't agree more dude the best channel by far to watch while stoned is THC or Discovery! everything makes so much sense and well you know how it is. when i see the commercials and i see a good show coming on like "how the earth was made" or they have this new thing coming on "life after people" or something like that. its on Tuesday. i cant wait i'm gonna roll a couple fat blunts ahead of time and when the it comes on i'm gonna spark up :)


Well-Known Member
Adult swim. Tim and Eric awesome show, great job is pretty far out. But superjail is just psychedelic. Watch it on some mushrooms.


Active Member
THC is meant for when your high. If it wasn't then why would they call it THC? :p
I think he meant to say TLC but idk. I agree with all you guys. Discovery or the history channel is usually pretty interesting when ur baked... I usaully like to watch the daily show an colbert report or Family guy those are the shit. Adult swim has some good stuff too:leaf::hump:


Well-Known Member
actually the best shows on adult swim are xaiver the renegade angel and look around you. if you are ever high as fuck watch look around you.


Well-Known Member
I , like some others were saying, love to watch intellectual stuff every now and then. I have the Planet Eatch (Discovery Channel) DVD set, and man it is great stoned or not. It is amazing some of the stuff you see on that show. But thats just me, I love nature and all the weird and interesting animals. Tell me if you were stoned to the bone, and watched a clip and salamanders that live high up in the cold mountain streams that grow to BE 7-8 FEET LONG and live for 80 YEARS, you wouldnt be flat out amazed by that. Like I said thats just me though.

When it comes to actual shows rather than documentary type shows, I love Entourage and Weeds. I also like the new show East Bound and Down (main character is 'Red' from Pineapple Express)on HBO. It is hilarious. Really, HBO and ShoTime make some really great shows with really great characters that you get connected to. Some other great ShoTime shows are Californication and United States of Tara. Dexter (which plays on cable now, but the new episodes air on ShoTime) is pretty good when you are stoned, if you like the dark, gruesome, Saw-esque, murder shows. I really suggest anyone that can afford it, get HBO and/or ShoTime, and if you cant (understandable as ridiculously priced cable is these days), download some of the shows on these shows from Vuze or something. You shouldnt be disappointed.

When I am stupid high, and just cant handle anything intelligent at all ha, I like to watch Family Guy. But to be honest, it makes me feel even dumber after I watch it, so I try not to watch it too often.
as a canadian citizien, we dont get much of the same channels. But one show we do ( well, at least had) was flight of the conchords. best show period. then again if you got trailer park boys which unno but its a canadian show. if you got it youl shit ur pants


Well-Known Member
Yea, Flight of the Concords is now on HBO...its pretty good but I have only watched a few of them


Well-Known Member
On Cartoon Network.
Best show ever!!
But i totally agree with planet earth that is just so much fun to watch and everything is just crazy cool


Active Member
Look around you (the first season especially) is awesome when stoned.. lol Just had to throw that out there


ATHF of course...
and for the intelligent stuff
THC (the history channel) is awesome
but i just like to torrent a documentary every now and then
a few good ones
Super High Me
The Union: Growers in BC
See More Buds


Active Member
I love those shows too! The best one I watched stoned was how the sun works. Amazing! Also it tells you how the sun and planets were formed from a huge star that blew up.