Awesome Guerrilla Grow Spots

Guerrilla Grow Site selection in order of importance:

1. A reason to be where you are. Birdwatching, hiking, taking your dog for a stroll or my personal favorite- fishing. You must have a alibi in case someone sees you or, your vehicle.
2. Sunlight. Many people have been disappointed by their yield in deference to a secluded, heavily forested area. It sounds good in principle for security reasons but, cannabis has similar light requirements of a common tomato plant. Open, grassy areas can offer ideal grow sites as sunlight is abundant and the soil tends be richer vs. forests that often grow in poor soil.
3. Close proximity to a water source. Moving large amounts of water to your grow during hot, arid conditions can be a daunting task at best. I've known friends that have actually given up on grows because they were too far from water. Grows done close to small rivers and creeks also have the advantage of the soil being generally better than other areas as silts,loams,sand and organic matter have accumulated over the eons.
4. Finally the best grow site is the one that only YOU have knowledge of. Resist the temptation to show off or discuss your grow with anyone. No maps, GPS or any other documentation that can tie you to the grow. Loose lips sink ships.
For the record: i dont understand why people are hating so much on autos??
Yea.. maybe you live in the tropics and can grow hazes outdoors without a struggle. But in scandinavia, canada and northern europe autos have become a GREAT innovation. And they can absolutely produce a potent smoke comparable to indoors-grown.