aw shit here we go....... not again. HELP! i cant have ANOTHER PLANT DIE ON ME!


Active Member
i have some 1 week old seedlings that have been fed at full feed from day 1. not a burn. but over feeding burns? not in my garden, maybe its the grower


Active Member
nobody said burns dont happen. i said why is missunderstood./ and no ive done this over and over. sure its a total waste of food but it was more to prove a point


Well-Known Member
i have some 1 week old seedlings that have been fed at full feed from day 1. not a burn. but over feeding burns? not in my garden, maybe its the grower
You feed full strength from day one and don't burn seedlings?! That's bullshit bro.

EDIT: And I'm not flaming the guy for no reason, but this forum is awash with bullshit mythical's everyone's responsibility "who knows better" to try stop the spread.

Plus stupid answers to a problem help alot less than not helping at all.


Active Member
Do you smoke cigs in your house? I believe tobacco smoke is harmful to plants... may not be the issue but...could have a lil to do with it?
hey guys, sorry for the late reply. I can't thank you all enough for pitching in with helpfull advice. I flushed her last night and then did a mild grow / micro solution. But i should point out that she was only put in the soil 2 days ago to try and see if getting settled in there and getting her roots established would correct the problem. because she was just in her rockwool cube. I should also point out that I am not checking PH although i know i should be but i dont have a tester. I should also point out that there was already some yellowing on her when i got her from the club. It just wasnt this bad. also, my other soil seedlings get a stronger feeding all the time and it doesnt seem to phase them. If the transplant I did is going to help how soon would i see results? beacuse the upper :leaf: are starting to yellow slightly. Should i flush again to get rid of the mild nutes i added after i flushed last night? i added them incase it was a deficiency but its hard to know whats going to happen, it's not like she is rooted in the soil yet, she is basically still a rockwool baby chillin on some soil.


Active Member
You feed full strength from day one and don't burn seedlings?! That's bullshit bro.

EDIT: And I'm not flaming the guy for no reason, but this forum is awash with bullshit mythical's everyone's responsibility "who knows better" to try stop the spread.

Plus stupid answers to a problem help alot less than not helping at all.

lol..its you spreading myths if you think food burns plants. then it would from the get go. i dont care if you dont believe what im doin. im not doing to prove anything to you. its kinda grade skool info. plants cant be force fed if they dont need it.
answered anyway i see as i said back on page 1. no ph. you need a ph pen.
would a ph issue really cause it to look like that? My other plants seem to be doing fine with the water/nutes i give them, this one is the only one having a problem. and the problem occured before i put it in the soil. I have heard of clones going yellow when they need a transplant, do you guys think i should just wait it out? or should i flush again to get rid of the bit of nutes i added after the flush incase it was a deficiency? or should i just cross my fingers, hope it lives and wait till the soil gets dry and give it plain water so it can get established?


Well-Known Member
would a ph issue really cause it to look like that? My other plants seem to be doing fine with the water/nutes i give them, this one is the only one having a problem. and the problem occured before i put it in the soil. I have heard of clones going yellow when they need a transplant, do you guys think i should just wait it out? or should i flush again to get rid of the bit of nutes i added after the flush incase it was a deficiency? or should i just cross my fingers, hope it lives and wait till the soil gets dry and give it plain water so it can get established?
Honestly dude,ignore that tool, pH is a non-issue in soil if you're feeding properly and not overdoing it/using totally crap soil.

I'd give them some time to just establish themselves, as it's a fresh-ish clone it only needs light feedings. Ignore growth before "this point" right now and just wait a few days to see what the colour of the new growth is like.

Also on the point of over DEFINATELY can over feed your plants. Just Google nutrient's when the plant uptakes too much nutrients, stores them in the leaves and intense lighting is magnified which causes burns. It does exist, please don't believe that you can't over feed.


Active Member
ya ignore a guy that has worked at a nute co. lol. hillarious. you obvious havent got a clue how food works as most dont but htink they do. we sit back in the shops laughing at people like you, thx for wasting money on food./. ive yet to see anythimg factual saying there is no need to use ph. id like to see this. ive got multi gigs of data that show the bennefits from legit scientists. what you got to back your bold statements.
and shows what you know causer plants cant uptake more than they are using., look up suberin son. you fail biology?

id just leave them till they root up a bit. but you will want a ph pen. ph rehgulates the amounts of food and what food the planet can eat. so anyone thinks its not needed dosent understand it yet., i should refrase can make it without it. but. you will have more strugles and will go through more food and the plant will always be deff in 1 ellement or more at all timers as your letting ph shift it will also shift what food is most available. so one day will get alot of nitro. next will be something else . and that is not the way tp grow or use foods. we want an equal level across the board on the availability. this is also why we make the nutes in different ratios on the label. so when it is ph correctly all ellements in the nutrient solution will be at the best needed level.

hope you can follow many cookies right now. if you need the science reports that back this just ask


Active Member
never did get why when someone post diff info the other feels its cool or makes them appear smarter when they start kidergarten name calling. sure glad i dont have to live in that head.
for sure, thanks for the help guys. Im going to wait it out just give em plain water once it dries. Im really hoping once it gets established things will even out. I just gotta cross my fingers i guess. I don't have money for a PH pen right now but from what i have heard ph isn't as big of an issue with soil because the soil acts like a buffer, compared to hydro. However i have heard that it can be an issue. I have also definitly over fed before so YES it is possible. I really don't think fighting about these things is going to get us anywhere. Do you guys know what sort of PH tap water usually has in the bay area? anything you guys can suggest? lemon/ baking soda?


Well-Known Member
If your soil has dolomite lime in it then forget about pH worries. A big bag of it is probably around $20 max.

Most premixed soil contains it off the bat tho. Check out my journal I never pH'd once and never will.

Believe who you want, but I bet not one "real" experienced grower in soil on this site adjusts pH for soil.

Iv helped all I can, it's your choice whether to follow it or not.

Peace dude.


Active Member
make it easy. call the dam soil co and ask. i guess all the bio and chemist oi work with and teachgers in univercities are what degree do you have son. or just an ego of always needing to be right but nothing to back it factual. becasue i say so isnt fact
i never said anything will die over night but it will never reach full potnetial no using ph.

this is for other op....look at ph like its each family in our food groups. so if we diodnt ph we dont get even amounts of each food group. i think most people know we need a good ballance. not all steak one day and all beens the next. so if ph is set then we get the whole plate of food each meal..not when the ph in the medium happens to swing past the correct number. yes ph drift is slower in soils as i said. but it will still make the grow easier and better.

ya im a fake grower after 30 years and workin in labs testing these kids crap smoke. im still waiitng for the science fact to not need ph...your the 6th guy in 2 days ive asked on here and not 1 of you kids have shown anything yet cept egos cause i say so. sorry i dont believe the im better forums. i use fact info for what i post. not crap from the 70`s and george cerventes...and others like him that are owned by publishing co to sell books. anyone who thinks ph wont improve what they do dosent have a clue about food or cec or ph