Avoiding occasional salt buildup and maintaining soil quality


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking into the importance of maintaining the quality of the soil throughout the grow, strengthening the rhizophere. What are good ways to keep soil healthy in a synthetic/chemical grow? Do i need to go organic to feed and help beneficial fungus/bacteria thrive?


Well-Known Member
Ive been looking into the importance of maintaining the quality of the soil throughout the grow, strengthening the rhizophere. What are good ways to keep soil healthy in a synthetic/chemical grow? Do i need to go organic to feed and help beneficial fungus/bacteria thrive?
The only way to have good soil throughout the grow is having organic soil. Chemical supplements destory the microbes in the soil, add salts and other fillers which nature never intended putting in our soil. Building a living soil only requires a little forethought and committment maintaining a soils health. Having a healthy soil allows the plant to grow by breaking down the soil and obtaining the nutes from the soil verses adding chemicals which kill a healthy soil and grows the plant by giving the plant nutes directly to the plant whether the plant is in need of those nutes or not.
With good organic soil I am able to grow my babies from either seed or clone with a mininum of fuss over the soil. Watering with some molasses and sometimes manure tea, I am able maintain a healthy plant, good soil with lots of microbes and other little beasties growing happily in the soil. There is not need to flush the plant since you have added nothing to the soil or the plant which was is harmful to the soil or to the plant prior to harvesting.
Here is a link to Subcool's organics, I don't follow this per se but he has a great concept and use of organics. I suggest doing some research and reading on this subject. I believe you will find it very informative and give you many ideas that you can use in different ways to fit into the way you want to grow.
Happy Growing and Keep it Organic


Well-Known Member
The only way to have good soil throughout the grow is having organic soil. Chemical supplements destory the microbes in the soil, add salts and other fillers which nature never intended putting in our soil. Building a living soil only requires a little forethought and committment maintaining a soils health. Having a healthy soil allows the plant to grow by breaking down the soil and obtaining the nutes from the soil verses adding chemicals which kill a healthy soil and grows the plant by giving the plant nutes directly to the plant whether the plant is in need of those nutes or not.
With good organic soil I am able to grow my babies from either seed or clone with a mininum of fuss over the soil. Watering with some molasses and sometimes manure tea, I am able maintain a healthy plant, good soil with lots of microbes and other little beasties growing happily in the soil. There is not need to flush the plant since you have added nothing to the soil or the plant which was is harmful to the soil or to the plant prior to harvesting.
Here is a link to Subcool's organics, I don't follow this per se but he has a great concept and use of organics. I suggest doing some research and reading on this subject. I believe you will find it very informative and give you many ideas that you can use in different ways to fit into the way you want to grow.
Happy Growing and Keep it Organic
Thankyou for the excellent post...i guess it is either healthy soil or chemical fertilizers eh? I have a feeling I could be doing much better with organics. Do you get the same quality/potency bud? or better?
Organic growing is harder since u can't know exactly whats going on in the soil If you are begining I suggest going chem. and experimenting with the organics so you can learn the plants. feed the soil not the plants, Im all organic and sorta strugglin with my veg its like I cant keep up with the Nutrient demand of 24/7 veg


Well-Known Member
Thankyou for the excellent post...i guess it is either healthy soil or chemical fertilizers eh? I have a feeling I could be doing much better with organics. Do you get the same quality/potency bud? or better?
I don't know about the quality difference since I don't and haven't grown with the chemicals or all the organic supplements to know of a difference. I think I grow pretty good babies and when I was living in the States I was never ashamed to offer one of mine to anyone that grew differently. I guess you can grow about the same either way I simply prefer living soil.
I guess you could figure it like this, I do 90% of my work before I ever have a plant in the soil. Making the compost and/or growing medium is the biggest part and it is done before you plant. On the other hand it seems as doing it the other way with all kinds of supplements and chemicals you are always doing something with the plant making sure that you didn't over fertilize or under fertilize, is the ph correct, when do I flush. Then to make matters worse are the adjustments you are always making.
Once your living soil is complete, during your grow it is a matter of maintaining the soil. Yeap the plant looks like it could use some N, then I add a little manure tea, this gives the soil a small boost of available nitorgen immediately but it adds to the soil to feed over a longer time. Growing becomes a matter of taking your pipe out to the plants and admiring your work knowing that the soil is doing most of the adjustments to the plant as it needs it.
Thanks for the kind words also.


answer to salts in the soil? flush 1x/veg and 1x/bloom and use DRIPCLEAN with every watering. Thats easy isnt it?


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the quality difference since I don't and haven't grown with the chemicals or all the organic supplements to know of a difference. I think I grow pretty good babies and when I was living in the States I was never ashamed to offer one of mine to anyone that grew differently. I guess you can grow about the same either way I simply prefer living soil.
I guess you could figure it like this, I do 90% of my work before I ever have a plant in the soil. Making the compost and/or growing medium is the biggest part and it is done before you plant. On the other hand it seems as doing it the other way with all kinds of supplements and chemicals you are always doing something with the plant making sure that you didn't over fertilize or under fertilize, is the ph correct, when do I flush. Then to make matters worse are the adjustments you are always making.
Once your living soil is complete, during your grow it is a matter of maintaining the soil. Yeap the plant looks like it could use some N, then I add a little manure tea, this gives the soil a small boost of available nitorgen immediately but it adds to the soil to feed over a longer time. Growing becomes a matter of taking your pipe out to the plants and admiring your work knowing that the soil is doing most of the adjustments to the plant as it needs it.
Thanks for the kind words also.
good take on organic growing...can you link me to a good beginners tutorial or something similar? should i just start surfing organic growers threads? i want to get a head start on reading before i apply to actual grow room. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Organic growing is harder since u can't know exactly whats going on in the soil If you are begining I suggest going chem. and experimenting with the organics so you can learn the plants. feed the soil not the plants, Im all organic and sorta strugglin with my veg its like I cant keep up with the Nutrient demand of 24/7 veg
i am starting to get synthetic nutrients down....i want to move on to organics or hydro synthetics. it seems organic soil and synthetic hydro are a match.


Well-Known Member
good take on organic growing...can you link me to a good beginners tutorial or something similar? should i just start surfing organic growers threads? i want to get a head start on reading before i apply to actual grow room. thanks.
Sorry I haven't been on this thread for bit. I will get some together in the morning and send them to you.