avoiding hunters


Active Member
In my area hunters are everywhere in september and october. Does anyone have any good tips on how to avoid detection from them? how to hide your plot(s)? and what can be used as natural security?


Active Member
I have this exact problem! Until just recently they banned hunting to my key area! Get some official looking NO HUNTING AND NO TRESPASSING signs!! will help with the majority.. you can also find areas with poison oak, ivy or make your plot hard to get to which is what I have always done outdoors. 3+ grows succesful

crawling on your hands and feet like a ninja isnt something many people like to do ;)


Active Member
have the same problem, in fact it caused me to stop outdoor. The problem was that another guy was in the area. I smelled moth balls and knew what it was. 100 yds. down wind was the best outdoor garden I have ever seen. In the coming years I found several of his spots, witch he used only every 3 years. I did ot bother him and he did not bother me, but we were both taken. We both stopped. These new auto seeds have got me excited again.


Well-Known Member
I have this exact problem! Until just recently they banned hunting to my key area! Get some official looking NO HUNTING AND NO TRESPASSING signs!! will help with the majority.. you can also find areas with poison oak, ivy or make your plot hard to get to which is what I have always done outdoors. 3+ grows succesful

crawling on your hands and feet like a ninja isnt something many people like to do ;)
yeah the signs work alright but the poison oak and hard to get to area is key. I myself have been hunting for years and anyone ive gone with sticks to the semi easy areas to walk in..... Im not gonna be looking in the middle of some bushes for an elk....as long as u find a tucked away spot you'll be fine


Well-Known Member
plant close to public roads , houses ,,( where people cant hunt) well not really close but 100 yards or so should be good especially if you plant them in what i call "junk" thorns, thick vines, basicly useless terrain where nobody would want to go for a walk,, hunters will only be 400yrds from any public dwelling, im a hunter and most of us hunt in open terrain accessible by 4wheeler trails, most hunters dont just wander off in thick junk!!


Active Member
depends on the area. Is the area heavily treaded? are there nuisant teenagers four wheeling the area, parties? cuz i know most underage drinking party in the woods. Theres really lots of things to consider, but just to be carefully instead of planting say all 20 in one spot make different gardens with say 5 in each. so if someone rips off one, theyll stop looking because they just got 5 mature plants(2-3) and never bothered looked for your other 3/4 of the garden!!!

like George Washington said, SOW EVERYWHERE

Hell just gather up a sack full of seeds and just plant all over, in the open and not in the open, your bound to get some kinda harvest!!

i could go on forever!!


Well-Known Member
haha. heres a idea to save your crop, put a pipe bomb in one of the pots and put a sign that says "go ahead take them and blow up. :]" that way if they do take them they get FUCKED! HELL YEAH!!


Active Member
depends on the area. Is the area heavily treaded? are there nuisant teenagers four wheeling the area, parties? cuz i know most underage drinking party in the woods. Theres really lots of things to consider, but just to be carefully instead of planting say all 20 in one spot make different gardens with say 5 in each. so if someone rips off one, theyll stop looking because they just got 5 mature plants(2-3) and never bothered looked for your other 3/4 of the garden!!!

like George Washington said, SOW EVERYWHERE

Hell just gather up a sack full of seeds and just plant all over, in the open and not in the open, your bound to get some kinda harvest!!

i could go on forever!!
I think the only nusiant teenager running around those woods is me:bigjoint:... I also hunt I'm just worried that they might be discovered because its not my property. I believe it is just vacant woods close to my property but also next to gunclub property (which is there for the purpose of hunting obviously) I doubt the plants would be stolen, theres jsut a bunch of old men that hunt there. I just wonder if someone stumbled upon them if they would report it or not or cut them down.


Well-Known Member
some guys might. most would prob just pocket some bud if there flowering. but just hide them good. or find some other woods.. haha.


Active Member
what about running into hunters when trying to find grow spots and the hunter accidently tries to shoot you.


Well-Known Member
Usually most hunters know exactly what their shooting at before even thinkin about pulling the trigger.. Dont go runnin around in a damn deer suit and u'll be fine bro!:bigjoint:


Active Member
ha cool just wanna be safe, cool now i need to avoid deers, boonie dogs, wild pigs. which scares my life a lil bit. haha


Well-Known Member
I know that where I live, the hunting season isn't running at the same time as anyone would be growing. They hunt from mid october untill January. Most places (north east) with 4 seasons don't allow hunting in the summer months, other then Vermin hunting at night.


Active Member
ha cool just wanna be safe, cool now i need to avoid deers, boonie dogs, wild pigs. which scares my life a lil bit. haha
Become a hunter. You get to scout spots for the spring grow. Plus it gives you a story for being on the property. Spring time scouting, shed hunting and predator hunting gives you a good reason for tending your plants you can always come up with a story. Plus if they find plants so what you'll help the landowner find who's growing and helping him keep an eye out of someone different than you being on his property. You should get permission from the landowner before you hunt and be as nice as possible....stealth is key