Avg dehumidifier watt usage


Well-Known Member
I have a 50 pint dehumidifier. If you had to guess or estimate how many watts does it use on low, medium and high?

ANd if it is running 24/7/365, what percent of the time is the compressor on bc I know that is way more watts than just the fan.
It should be written on a tag on the unit or in the paperwork with the unit. Might not tell you the wattage at different speeds, but it will get you in the ballpark.
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Turbo mode on my 50 pint uses 520 watts normal mode is 400 watts. Compressor runs till the coils freeze up then it shuts off and the frost melts into the pan then the cycle repeats My compressor doesn't stay off long maybe 4 or 5 minutes.