Average Yield?


Active Member
Hi guys - what is the average yield per plant grown hydroponically?

Also how long from seed germination to harvest?

I have the rainforest and a 600 watt hps lamp.



Uses the Rollitup profile
Average yield is easiest by area, not plants. An ounce of dried bud per square foot of canopy is about average.

Seed to harvest is about 12-18 weeks, strain specific.

Have fun!

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
Average yield is easiest by area, not plants. An ounce of dried bud per square foot of canopy is about average.

Seed to harvest is about 12-18 weeks, strain specific.

Have fun!

HTH :mrgreen:
Thanks potroast - another newbie question. How do I calculate square foot of canopy? The rainforest has room for 6 plants if that helps!