Average TRIM yeild per plant

Hopefully this is the correct place for this inquiry.

I am wondering how much TRIM, not flower, can be harvested from a single indoor plant. Let's assume this plant produces 4 ounces of flower (dry weight), and stems are not counted as part of the weight of the trim. I know many variables come into play, but on average, how much would you say a plant producing 4 ounces of flower will produce in trim?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
There is no answer, even average answer. Too amny variables as you yourself say. My trim bucket is an average of say 4-5 ounces, i get bored and just start going nuts chopping off whole buds into the trim because i can't be bothered to do any mmore trimming. It's all trim so far as the definition goes.


Well-Known Member
different plants produce different amounts of trim. even if the final weight is the same.

find out when you harvest


New Member
It really depends on the leaf to Calyx ratio and more .. As stated it all depends and youll most likely have some flower in the trim no matter .. My trim is always 1/3 bud . If its under a quarter in size or scraggly I toss it in ..