Avatar is one hell of a movie


Well-Known Member
Is it juvenile like Star Wars?

Lucas ruined those films.....
Well, it isn't like star wars at all. And to whoever made the comment on the actors....yeah, they could have hired some better actors. I'm not a big fan of that mexican bitch from fast and furious. I also don't think the matrix lookin guy from Grandma's Boy should have been in there. Other than that, it was quite amazing. I went and saw it on 2c-i though, so maybe it just seemed a lot better than it really was.


Well-Known Member
Agreed about the mila girl and dude from grandmas boy,Kept thinkin about how he walks and makes the robot noise lol.But still a fucking great movies. The enviorment blew me the fuck away. From the platns to the trees the the Giant rock island things in the sky. Story wasnt bad eather, Not the type of movies i normally see but it was great.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I just saw it today.

I went in very skeptical of how it would turn out. I was surprised - I loved it. Seeing it in 3D made it a lot better as well.


Well-Known Member
It was a decent movie with excellent action (James Carmon makes the best action flicks). I will say some of the dialog was pretty bad (very run of the mill or predictable) and some scenes were down right corny (like the entire ending scenes). I'd give the movie a solid B+. It's a lot better than most pop corn flicks and the CGI was some of the best I've ever seen put to film. Seriously, the Navi (the aliens/natives) feel like they're living creatures. That was down right amazing, only a guy like James Cameron could get you to feel a bond/commonality with a non-living digitized blue creature.