

Has anyone out there grown autos under led light??? Was just wondering if I should try autos or just use feminised seeds???


The light type doesnt determine the if you should grow autos or feminized it's what you want out of the grow, autos tend to grow quicker and have less room for error, what medium are you using? Is this your first time growing?


Not my first time, but I normally use a 2m squared tent with one 600 light , but I have had to scale down to a 1m squared tent this has resulted in all my baby’s getting cooked because of the heat off my light,which is why I bought a 1200 l e d light which is great as no heat stress , but am just wondering if I put some autos under it , if they will still grow as good as a normal 600 light???


Well without knowing much about your led I can give this my best guess and say no because your "1200" watt led probably actually pulls maybe 300 or so watts and that's generous so you will notice less yield also if you're doing soil I'd say go ahead with the autos as soil is much more forgiving but if your hydro or something that could stunt its growth even for a short period to to easy to make mistakes I'd say go photo because you can veg longer to recover from your mistake of needed


Active Member
True thanks for the advice
I'm going an diesel auto in happy frog with a 900w led and she is doing good so far this is first plant that I have flowered before I got little tip burn going on but she is very sensitive to nutrients I'm only useing 1/4 nutrients

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Lighting type shouldn't be a determining factor between growing autos and photos. If it will grow healthy photo plants it will grow healthy auto plants. With that being said, I would only recommend a real quality LED over something such as CMH lighting, as the cheaper blurple LED's are very prone to burning out diodes, having internal fans fail, and producing an overall less than ideal spectrum. There ARE quality chinese LED's out there, in that they are reliable, but they will still underperform compared to CMH and many HPS fixtures. If you're growing short term and do not plan on growing much, go with a cheap blurple led, but if not then compare and contrast high quality LED's with CMH and HPS technology to find the best balance of price, life span, and spectrum quality. Good luck.